How to Apply For Teach For America Education
Whether you’re just dabbling with the idea of teaching, or interested in obtaining a head start into the education field, Teach for America just may be the program you've been looking for.
If you’re been searching for an opportunity to make a difference,

are interested in teaching and excited by the prospect of becoming a mentor to needy students, Teach for America just may be the ticket you’ve been waiting for. Teach for America affords individuals the opportunity to work for change without a career commitment, while providing students with the education they deserve. So whether you’re just dabbling with the idea of teaching, or looking for a head start into the education field, Teach for America has you covered. In this article, we will outline the steps needed to apply.
Things You’ll Need:
-Internet Access
-Word Processor
-College Degree
-Transcript Access
Step 1 - Whether you’ve found out about the program through a friend or the nightly news, it’s important to do your research before moving forward with the application process. If Teach for America is not available in your immediate vicinity, you may be required to relocate. Teach for America offers services in regions spanning from Washington D.C. to Hawaii, so feel free to take your pick.
Head on over to the official website and skim over the requirements to make sure that you’re a good fit. If you’re still in the game, create a user account.
Step 2 – Once you’ve familiarized yourself with the program, the next step is filling out an application. Begin with your personal information, including your address, name, birth date, etc. before moving onward to the next step of academic and professional achievements. Make sure that you have access to your transcripts, with proof of your GPA, the name of your educational institution and the environments that you have worked at.
Step 3 – The third step in the process is the interview. If your application garners interest, you will be offered the ability to submit three separate locations where you would like to be interviewed. Pick your locations carefully before moving forward with the application process.
Step 4 – Next, you will be afforded the option of filling out supplemental information and surveys, after which you will be prompted to complete the process by typing out a letter of intent, an essay and your current resume. Be sure to take the time in reviewing these documents to ensure that they meet the highest standards. If at all possible, ask a close friend or family member to go over the documents and help aid in the proofreading process.
Step 5 – Review. Before you hit the submit button, make certain that you look over each and every aspect of your application. A simple misspell or grammar mistake early on can easily set a negative tone for the individual reading it. Once you’ve submitted your application, the only thing left to do is wait. You will be notified via email as to the status of your inquiry.
While you wait, make sure to plan for the best. Keeping yourself in a positive and helpful mindset will not only help your individual mood, but may just spark ideas for additional opportunities to come.