Math Tutor For Your Child or For You
Math tutors can vary, so make sure when you're looking for one that you're being as specific as possible. Be sure to seek out the best options for exactly what you need.
A math tutor is a great way for your child to catch up or maintain their level in school. Math is a big part of the world. You will encounter math problems throughout your lifetime. Preparing your child from an early age with a good base in basic mathematics with help from a tutor is a great way to prepare your child for many of the problems that lie ahead.
If your child is still very young,

whether entering or attending an elementary school, you'll want to find a math tutor that knows how to work with children. This is pretty basic math that you yourself are comfortable with, but it seems to be very difficult to teach your child. What is obvious to you is very new to your young child. You'll need a tutor with experience working with children, how they think and respond. You may ask if there are resources at your child's school or tutoring institutions locally for children. You can also seek out an experienced person in more non-traditional ways, like finding a sitter to both teach your child math while watching them on a date night with you and your partner. It could be a college student, high school student, or retired math teacher.
Maybe your child is older and struggling with math at the high school level, or even college level. Maybe they're struggling with the basics, or they need a strong background in math in order to succeed in a particular future career. Here you will need not only an expert teacher who can work with your child's learning style but also an excellent mathematician. Here is where a trained tutor is best. Sometimes there are resources within the school, but you can also find tutors elsewhere. You'll have to find the right kind of teacher for the right discipline. Perhaps your child struggles specifically with geometry or your pre-med student struggles with calculus. See if you can find a math tutor to teach exactly what they're struggling with.
Are you struggling with math as an adult? Do you find it difficult to make simple calculations? Perhaps it's more involved than that. You need to be able to balance your checkbook, handle new personal or business finances. As an adult, it can be really embarrassing to not be able to call forth basic math principles. We're talking high school level math to help you deal with all the daily math related problems in your life. Maybe you just want more experience in financial math so that you can handle your family's budget. You want to be able to handle math you haven't learned yet. You could take a course at a local business college or you could find a tutor yourself. Who says a math tutor is only for children or young adults in school? You are more than capable of learning new practical math to better the quality of life for yourself and your family.
So if you're looking for a math tutor for you or your child, the best way to choose the right one is to find the right kind of teacher based on what your needs are and how good the tutor is at working with certain age groups.