There is no doubt that mental health continuing education opportunities are becoming more and more available online and elsewhere.
it is necessary to check the credentials, reputations and background of the journals, companies or individuals offering those credit opportunities. Because of the easy nature of the web-based or online system, it is quite possible that a company without the proper mental health continuing education approvals could offer bogus classes or credits.
Journals, companies and individuals can get approval in a number of ways. The most common, and perhaps the most important, way to get approval as a qualified CE or CEU site is through professional organizations. Companies can apply for approval from membership organizations like the American Psychological Association, the American Counseling Association, the National Association or Social Workers and other similar groups.
Companies or individuals wishing to offer mental health continuing education opportunities may also have to meet certain criteria set out specifically by states. Each state can differ greatly in its criteria for what qualifies as a proper educational credit. Likewise, states may have a more stringent view on qualifications than a national organization does.
Regardless, it is necessary for a company or individual to openly post their approvals and accreditations for consumers to view. This is the only way psychologists, social workers, licensed addiction counselors and others to see that they are a viable source for CEs and CEUs.
Many companies offer online courses in a variety of different styles. It is important for the consumer, in this case the practicing professional in psychology or social work, to be aware of the style of learning that need for success. The consumer can find any number of learning styles available through coursework online. From reading based courses to purely audio courses, the educational opportunities are as varied as they are abundant.
Basically, when setting out to get mental health continuing education credits, a professional can do the following. First, do an online search for the specific topic of educational opportunity desired. If the professional doesn’t have a specific website for CEs that they have allegiance to, the search will bring up several different possible sites.
Once the search is complete, the professional should spend time looking through the credentials and approvals posted by the company, making sure that they match those necessary for their specific goals. Again, it is important to check both the state and national approvals.
Once this step is complete, it is necessary to get a basic understanding of the way the coursework or classes are organized. Some sites require pre-testing prior to receipt of the material. Other companies require individuals to purchase the coursework upfront before having a chance to peruse the material.
Most companies will give a short breakdown of the course; a description of the instructor and what the material is that is being covered. This is essential for those that have specific goals in mind for the credits they need.
Essentially, the opportunities for online mental health continuing education credits are endless. It is only necessary for professionals to familiarize themselves with the quality and organization of the material.