The trauma of first finding out that your child is autistic is certainly beyond all comprehension and consolation.
However there is no other way of dealing with the shock except for braving it and faring well emotionally and having a bond too strong with your child. Studies conducted by school for autism which were aimed at observing the emotional makeup of the mothers of the autistic children prove that they are more likely to be of poor or average mental health but to amazement they are the ones exhibiting most strength when looking after their special child.
Autism and other pervasive developmental disorders (PDD) generally begin when the child reaches the age of 3. There are a group of complicated developmental impairments which often challenge the socially interacting and communicating abilities of the effected individual leaving him to his own devices or at the hands of some mentally retarded school. It is this social marginalization which pulls down all the spirits the child had to fight the impairment. It is only the family support which they can resort to. True that generally an autistic child is generally passive to any kind of care and affection expressed to them, in fact it is incomprehensible for them. But there can be no disagreement to the fact that it is only with this love that the parents can help their child to overcome this difficulty which ranges from mild to severe.
A developmental disability can disrupt all aspects of your child's life including their health and career aspirations. But hope knows no ends and there is always a silver lining. For all the parents who believe in tackling the special challenges to enjoy this unique experience of parenting their autistic child here is a list of some strategies as suggested by the school for autism.
• Know all you can about autism-Autism is detected in a child in his early years and identifying it in the formative years is indispensible for your child's recovery and treatment. Generally the symptoms and behaviors change over time and so strategies and treatments need to be tailored from time to time. In this light learning and knowing about the impairment is as much significant as treating it.
• Learn about behavioral training- These are available in many mentally retarded schools and teaches people from all age group dealing with autism on how to communicate effectively. Remember to choose the program as per your child's requirements.
• Evaluate the need for medication-While there are no medicines who claim treating autism but there are drugs available which are effective in dealing with some symptoms which the autistic children display. Drugs often have a limited effect on the child but help in cases when the child is inflicting self-harm or is engaged in other destructive behavior.
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