More Tips for HTML and Email Marketing
There are just too many out there and that means when you are designing something and using HTML you need to leave yourself enough room that the display will look good in all programs. Read on for more tips on html email marketing.
There are many tips for email marketers when it comes to
HTML and newsletters,
emails, and the like. Unfortunately, there is not one standard for HTML emails across all platforms. There are just too many out there and that means when you are designing something and using HTML you need to leave yourself enough room that the display will look good in all programs. You will also need to test your HTML in various programs including Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, Apple Mail, Outlook 2003, 2000, Outlook Express, Eudora, Mozilla, Apple Entourage, Lotus Notes, Comcast, EarthLink, and many others. It’s amazing, but the HTML code will display differently in all of these. Because of this it is important to keep your html as simple as possible. It’s the only way to ensure your code will look good in all programs.
If you are going to use CSS make sure you do it with inline CSS. Linked files won’t work and will fail miserably. You want to use very little CSS and only for colors or fonts if necessary. Remember, you want to incorporate the CSS in a way that if it fails it isn’t so bad! Also, keep in mind that when using CSS you need to embed it below the body tag ever time. Otherwise, it won’t appear because many email applications that are browser based, like hotmail, Gmail, and the like, will take off the body, head, and html tags so they don’t mix in with the actual web page.
Remember, too, that a period cannot begin any of your HTML code or the lines of your email. This is important to keep in mind because quite a few email servers interpret this as the command for the end of the message. Anything below that period will be stripped away and won’t be seen by your recipients. As a result, it is very important to pay attention to your HTML and CSS and ensure that your email is received as intended. If you have CSS that begins with periods then you need to make sure you add spaces beforehand so it won’t appear as if this is the end of the page command.
Now, as much as you might like the idea of embedding movie files, JavaScript, Flash, or ActiveX in your email newsletter or other marketing emails you need to go ahead and forget it. Of course, you can embed it, but the question is why would you when probably every single one of your subscribers has an anti virus program that will block the application from running? That’s the last thing you want so keep it simple even if you prefer the style of the files mentioned above.