5 Great Games For Your Halloween Party
Everyone loves party games. When you have a thematic party, the games you offer can actually be quite easy to plan. Look at some old standards and put...
Everyone loves party games. When you have a thematic party,

the games you offer can actually be quite easy to plan. Look at some old standards and put a thematic spin on them! Here are some ideas for your next Halloween party:
Pin the Spider on the Web – All you need is a big piece of clear plastic, a black permanent marker, some rubber cement and a paper spider of some sort. Draw a web on the clear plastic. Put some rubber cement on the back of the paper spider and have the guest try to "stick it" on the web. Even if they don't and hit the wall instead, it is great fun.
Hot Pumpkin – Grab one of those mini pumpkins from your local grocery store. It will make the perfect prop for playing "Hot Pumpkin", and Halloween variation of "Hot Potato". Play some spooky Halloween music and when it stops, whoever has that pumpkin is out for that round. Play until there is just one left and you have your winner!
What's In The Coffin? – Played exactly like the tray party game. Several items are put on a tray and you have to remember as many of the items as you can. Place items related to Halloween, like a pumpkin or jack-o-lantern, candy corn, bouncy balls that have an eyeball designs, black cat stickers, and ghosts made out of suckers and tissues inside a "coffin" (shoebox). Show it to the guest for 30 seconds to a minute. Then give them paper and pencil and have them write down as many items as they can remember. (Parents can help young children.) Whoever guesses the most items wins the coffin full of goodies.
How Many Candy Corn Are In The Jar? – Buy a glass jar. This jar can be as big or small as you want. Now, buy enough candy corn to fill the jar. Count how many candies go in until the jar is full. Now the guests can guess just how many are in there. The closest guess wins the jar! (You can do this with any kind of candy, suckers, or chocolate bars.)
Musical Chairs – To make it follow the Halloween theme, decorate the chairs with skeletons and spider webs. Use Halloween music to play.
These are just a few of the thematic party games you could create to go along with your Halloween bash! Think of your favorite game and create a holiday twist.