Let's face it. Times are tough. Businesses and individuals are doing all they can and then some to make it through these economic challenges. One of t...
Let's face it. Times are tough. Businesses and individuals are doing all they can and then some to make it through these economic challenges. One of the forgotten entities is often the fine charitable organizations that provide so much for so many. Without your contributions,
many of these organizations are finding it extremely challenging to maintain operations. As a business or just an individual, you can use charity cards to do 2 jobs for the price of one.
The concept here is that you or your business is going to need to buy greeting cards over the course of the year. Whether you're giving them out only at year-end holiday time, or you're active in sending clients (and prospective customers) thank you notes, by purchasing charity cards, you'll get the card as well as make a donation to your favorite cause.
Technology has greatly impacted the way we communicate with each other. Even with email now as ubiquitous as snail mail had been for the previous century, there is often times something impersonal about receiving an email thank you note. How does it make you feel when you receive a real card in an envelope in your mail box?
You probably thoroughly enjoy the experience. Imagine how your customers are going to react to the same opportunity. Now, imagine layering onto those already warm and fuzzy feelings the knowledge that by having purchased those cards from the right online source, you are also donating a percentage of their costs to charity.
If after receiving a holiday charity card your clients are not filled with warm emotions for you, your business as well as the charity, well, frankly, there's a good chance something is wrong with them! By simply deciding to purchase goods you know you are going to need to buy anyway from a purveyor that donates some percentage of your purchase, you're getting the best of both worlds.
First, you'll obviously be sending top quality, fashionable and stylish cards and notes to the customers who mean the most for your business. Next, you'll also be helping your favorite charitable groups acquire the funding they need in order to continue their good works.
Look online to discover some of the better companies who are offering these services. Some characteristics you should find in them include offering to disburse as much as 20% of the cost of your charity cards to the organization of your choice. Also, like most businesses you'll want to be sure that your transactions with them are 100% guaranteed. Nothing is worse than having the good feelings of charitable donations replaced with angst and frustration if something goes wrong with your purchase and you have little or no recourse.
Remember, charities work just as hard as your company does. Regardless of the fact most charitable organizations are not for profit, they still work to do the most they can with whatever funding they have. Since you now have the capability to provide some of those operational monies doing nothing more than you ever have in the past, why not choose to buy your company's correspondence materials through a reputable charity cards provider. They are as nearby as the closest Internet connected computer.