Common Reasons for Miscarriage
You can read in this article about common reasons for miscarriage.
Miscarriages are very painful and heartbreaking but are not unusual. About 15% of the pregnant women experience miscarriages especially if it is their first pregnancy. Miscarriage is the termination of the pregnancy before it reaches the maturity. When the termination happens before the 20th week of the pregnancy,

it is called miscarriage. Most of the cases of miscarriages happen during the first trimester of pregnancy. Some of the miscarriages even happen before the pregnancy is confirmed and it happens in 50% of the women. For those who are planning for a child or those who have already experienced miscarriage, it is important to know all the possible reasons for miscarriage. Knowing the reasons and risk factors would definitely help the women to avoid these conditions and take care of their own health and the baby to ensure healthy child birth.
The various symptoms of miscarriage are-
- Vaginal bleeding or spotting
- Pain in the abdomen
- Discharge from vagina
- Blood clot or lump comes out form the vagina
All the above symptoms might not always end up into the miscarriage but immediate medical help should be asked in case any of these symptoms or some other abnormalities are experienced by the pregnant women. The embryo problem or the problem with the mother could be probable reasons for miscarriage though it is very difficult to find out the exact reasons unless some tests are performed.
Reasons for miscarriages are-
- Genetic mutation
- The embryo has less or more number of chromosomes
- The egg gets implanted outside the wall of the uterus which is life threatening for the mother also
- Mother is suffering from illness for a long time
- Mother has a very weak immunity system
- Mother leads a very unhealthy life style which includes smoking, drinking and taking drugs
- Mother is obese and age is above 35-40 years
- Sudden and severe physical injury
- Mother has hormonal imbalance
- The reproductive organs are not formed properly or the shape is not proper
- Infection in the body
- Lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body is also responsible for miscarriages
- Mother is suffering from the disease like diabetes, kidney problem, heart problem, high blood pressure etc.
Miscarriages can be avoided but it is always not possible and the women have to keep in mind that they are no way solely responsible for it.