Diet and Nutrition During Pregnancy
Read in this article about diet and nutrition during pregnancy.
A lot of changes may be brought about in a woman when she is pregnant. One of the major and common changes is the dietary habits. If a healthy diet is followed before pregnancy,

a woman can look at what she eats and how she eats. There is a difference in what she is expecting. Given below are some pregnancy diet and nutrition ways that will ensure whether the diet is complete during pregnancy. 1. All women must be remembering the food pyramid. This is a very good place to start. More foods such as grains must be eaten. Vegetables must be added to the dairy products, proteins and fruits. Free handouts are found at many places. This can be used as a reference on the refrigerator. 2. It is important to have a variety in the diet. It helps in making sure that all the daily doses of minerals and vitamins are included in the foods that are eaten. A woman is prevented from boredom with the diet. 3. Lots of water is a must. A woman must stay hydrated. This has loads of benefits during pregnancy. This includes healthier skin and avoidance of labor. There is a decrease in the annoying pregnancy symptoms such as swelling and constipation. However, one must not depend completely on juices. Juices have a place and a time. There are various other things such as coffee, soda etc which must not be included in the diet. Around 8 to 10 glasses must be consumed every day. 4. The sources of the foods that are eaten must be remembered. If the sources of foods are very close to original food, they are very beneficial. Fresh green beans are any day better than the canned ones. Bananas are better than those banana splits and fried banana chips. 5. Proteins are very important for building up cells in the baby’s body. It is indicated by some studies that adequate protein intake can give a lot of protection against problems such as pregnancy induced hypertension and ecclampsia. A great start for the baby is ensured. 6. A food log must be kept if a woman is having problems with her diet. It is easy instead of remembering what was eaten. This is one of the most effective pregnancy diet and nutrition tip for women. 7. She must remember that pregnancy weight gain is very necessary for pregnancy. Foods must be restricted only after discussing with the doctor. Thus, these pregnancy diet and nutrition will help a lot in maintaining good health of the mother and the baby.