If you're in the throes of a divorce, or if you've just recently gone through one, your credit might have been damaged in the process. Here are some great tips on restoring your credit score.
Divorce has held the biggest challenges for me of anything I ever faced. It's also one of the areas in which I'm most proud of my accomplishments courtesy of those challenges. I know that with single mothers, in particular, struggling with the finances after a divorce is fairly common, so I'm providing a ton of tips to help you stay on top of this important aspect of life after divorce.
Benchmark Where Your Credit is Right now.
First, make a list of all paperwork that includes all credit cards, all assets, and the contact information for your credit card companies. Secondly, call all of your credit card companies, tell them that you are divorced and ask them what tips they have for you. If the accounts are joint, it's wise to convert them to individual accounts so that only you have access to them and are responsible for what is spent on them and when the payments get made. If you cannot convert them, close the joint accounts.
Get A Current Credit Report
The three major credit-reporting agencies, Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, are each required by law to provide consumers, upon request, a free copy of their credit report once every 12 months. There's a free copy for you at www.AnnualCreditReport.com or by calling (877) 322-8228.
Also under same law as above is the following information about you that is available: Your Medical Information: Medical Information Bureau. Your Renter's History: First Advantage SafeRent. Your Check Writing History: ChexSystems
Create a Moving Forward Plan
You might be lucky enough to have no credit problems. If you're not that lucky, it's important to understand that clearing up your credit is wise, so let's begin today. All it takes is common sense, communicating with the companies to whom you owe money, and persevering.
If the current monthly payments are impossible for you, call each company and work toward a better agreement. Be sure to keep your agreement. Pay all your bills on time and if you can't, be sure to call and tell them why so it doesn't go on your credit report. This is true of credit card companies, your student loans, your car loan, your mortgage, etc.
Get a handle on the credit cards you currently have and restrain yourself from applying for more until you do.
Good luck and good persevering. Just because you're divorced, doesn't mean you can't have a great credit score.
Affordable Support for Divorcees: Virtual Recovery Communities
The aftermath of a divorce can be a tumultuous time, filled with self-doubt and fear. However, many individuals who have gone through this process have found it to be a catalyst for positive change, leading them to discover their true selves and even find their soul mates. Virtual recovery communities can provide invaluable support during this challenging period.Can Mediation Work For You In Lieu Of Divorce
If you are about to get a divorce, I want you let you know that mediation might be a great alternative to that divorce for you. You won't have to hire an attorney and the outcome can be just as effective.Understanding Your Divorce ' Use a Journal
Divorce emotions are hard enough one time, so you want to do everything you can not to repeat the same mistakes. Even if it looks like your ex is the one who made mistakes, it did take two to tango. If you journal about the divorce, you will discover your role and not make the same mistake twice.