Fast Home Fixes
No matter how careful you are accidents will happen.
No matter how careful you are accidents will happen. Especially if you happen to have kids or pets and if you have both like me,

well than god help you. Because it seems like every five minutes something is breaking that you will later need to fix. Calling your local handy man can get quite expensive and embarrassing. Before you know it he is coming twice a week without you even having to call him anymore because he knows there is definely going to be another problem at your home that is going to require an outrageously expensive handy work. It is always best to call a professional for this big probes so as to make sure they get done right but for the small problems it would be great to send that repair man packing. Fixing small areas in your home are not so difficult if you take things one step at a time. An example of an easy fix that started out seaming to be quite difficult is when my son somehow put the broom stick through our wooden door which caused the mirror on the other side to shatter and break sending us in to seven years of bad luck. But, before you panic at the sight of something like this know that this is actually a quick and easy fix. First clean up all the glass, then you sand down the door on both sides where the hole had pushed through. Then fill it in with quick holding clay sand it down after it becomes dry and hard and repaint the door. Doing this will save you over one hundred dollars on repairs. Another easy fix is if your puppy tears up your comforter don't panic this is a quick process to fix. An easy way to take care of this is first soak it, then hang it to dry, sew the holes and fix the stuffing. Then use duvet cover setsto protect it from any future puppy harm. These are just a few fast home fixes that anyone can do.