How to Perform Home Pregnancy Test After IVF
Read in this article about how to perform home pregnancy test after IVF.
One of the most successful ‘assisted reproductive methods’ ,

IVF is a process by which egg cells taken out from mother’s body and are fertilized with the sperm of the donor. The whole process is conducted inside an incubator, and it takes around three days to complete the fertilization process. After the sufficient development of the embryo, it is placed back in the womb of the mother. The mother is then advised to take a complete bed rest for twelve to fifteen days. After which a pregnancy test is conducted to confirm the treatment. Usually a serum pregnancy test is done to test the progesterone levels. It is a kind of blood test done to confirm the pregnancy. These blood tests are conducted repeatedly to monitor for ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages. However home pregnancy tests after IVF can also be conducted to confirm the treatment.
A pregnancy test at home usually checks the human chorionic gonadotropin, in the urine. This HCG is produced by the placenta only if an embryo is successfully implanted. These are a few facts about pregnancy tests after IVF.
- Usually a home pregnancy test gives a positive result during the time of a missed period, however since the HCG is administered during the IVF process, conducting an early home pregnancy test after IVF can give false positive results.
- A blood test is usually more reliable than a home pregnancy test after IVF.
- Vaginal ultrasound is also an effective method of testing pregnancy after IVF. The ultrasound is usually crucial in determining the number of pregnancies. An IVF treatment usually has a higher chance of multiple pregnancies.
- If the test is positive, then repeated ultrasounds and blood tests are conducted by the doctor to monitor the pregnancy.
It is never easy to decide to have a baby with a help of IVF. A difficult and nerve wracking process, one needs to be absolutely confident and prepared for all the risks, hassles and hard work while conducting an IVF. However IVF is one of the most successful inventions of medical science that helps in overcoming infertility. With the help of advanced technology the process has become a lot more smooth and seamless. After the initial transfer of embryo, a simple blood test or a home pregnancy test after IVF helps in confirming the pregnancy. The success rate of an IVF treatment has increased effectively.
Thus more and more childless couples, these days are trying out the option of IVF successfully.