Special Needs Children Can Never Be Classified As Throw Aways, The Loss Would Be To Great
It is really difficult to define special needs. This is mostly because of the broad spectrum of health issues that are both physical and mental, that can be manifested in slight variances of developmental delays is any number of areas or extreme conditions such as specific muscle groups or being a quadriplegic or having conditions known as Down's Syndrome or Autism.
It is really difficult to define special needs. This is mostly because of the broad spectrum of health issues that are both physical and mental,

that can be manifested in slight variances of developmental delays is any number of areas or extreme conditions such as specific muscle groups or being a quadriplegic or having conditions known as Down's Syndrome or Autism.
When a child presents something that is deemed abnormal, which means that it varies from the standard then they are considered to have special needs. For some students this may mean offering them an adapted learning environment or a set of special tools by which they can do their schoolwork. For others this may mean being in a separate learning environment all day every day.
Encouragement along with the help of these various adaptations have impressively improved the child's ability to function in a school setting. High parental and teacher expectations from the students from a early age set in motion for most kids a higher quality of life than children considered to be spoiled and comforted at every turn of their young lives.
It is normal to feel sorry or have some sympathy for someone who is less fortunate due to a handicap and is considered to be not normal by the usual standards. However, with out really realizing what such a misconception is capable of concerning the outcome level of achievements that the person is capable of. Everyone, regardless, has unlimited potential but it is sometimes expressed in unseen ways. Encouragement and a new view of potential possibilities is without doubt a great way to help other people reach their true unhindered potential.
Sure those who have special needs may in fact be different from you and I but don't sell them short by babying them. Give them the adaptations they need and then encourage them to soar using their unlimited potential in whatever way they choose. Sure not every special needs person will excel at everything but I can assure you that all of them can excel at something.
Successful growth requires nurturing and fostering to help a child be all that they can be and this can be difficult at times, but certainly not impossible, it all depends on where you choose to focus. To help bring out and express the inner strengths is a feat that deserves applause. Everyone, who has ever been born, has something to offer the world. Having a handicap or developmental delay is no exception and should be treated with respect not like babies. These adults are merely handicapped in the physical sense of the natural and should be acknowledged as being just that, nothing more.