Summer Camp: Packing All The Essentials
When the time for summer camp rolls around parents everywhere start planning. It takes a while to establish a list of everything the kids will need while away.
As soon as you get the summer camp packing list you probably want to get started. The kids are excited to go and you are ready for them to enjoy a few weeks away with the friends learning about nature and participating in outdoor activities. One way to ensure that they have a great time is to make sure that have all of the essentials that they will need,
plus a few extras.
The Necessities:
Clothing is probably one of the most important things you can send with your child to summer camp. Obviously they aren't going to get very far without enough shirts, shorts, socks, and underwear. The amount that you send with them should be proportional to the amount of time they are going to stay. Your kids probably aren't going to be taking care of laundry while they are away (especially if they don't do it at home).
Read the Literature:
A summer camp sends parents a list of things that each camper needs to bring along with them. This includes things like swim suits, jackets, even hiking boots. You don't want your child to be the only outside without a coat or having to say indoors because they don't have an umbrella. One way to make sure you don't forget anything is to check items off the literature as you pack it. You won't skip or forget anything that way.
Talk to Your Child:
When kids are away from home there are some things they like to keep with them. It might make them feel more comfortable and enhance their camping experience. They may want to bring along a journal, a camera, or even a favorite stuffed animal. If it isn't going to hinder any of the activities while they are away feel free to let you child bring some of their own items with them to summer camp.
Send Care Packages:
Remember that you can always send care packages. If you child has a favorite food or treat you can be sure that sending it to them would be a real special event. Make sure that you read all of the policies that the facility offers to make sure that you are sending acceptable items. Even if you can't send homemade treats you can include photos or a special book.
Even more important than a care package is a simple letter from home. Kids love to know that you are thinking about them and even that you miss them. Just a short note or card would mean a lot. While shopping for all of the things they will need on the list you can pick up some cute cards or stationary to help remind you to write. You can also pack some stamps, envelopes, and paper for your kids as well to make sure you hear from them.