The Symptoms of First Time Pregnancy
Get information in this article about symptoms of first time pregnancy.
Pregnancy is the time of joy and expectations. Impending motherhood is the most exuberant news that any woman can get. Pregnancy means ultimately you are going to hold a child of your very own in your hands. All the problems and the discomfort related to the pregnancy state can be undergone just to revel in the feeling of motherhood. If you are hoping to get pregnant any time soon it is important to know about the various symptoms of pregnancy. This will help you to know about your state as early as possible and start taking care of your body and the growing fetus from the very first. Pregnancy is the time when extra care in every regard should be taken so that a healthy baby can be born to a healthy and happy mother. Here are some of the first time pregnancy symptoms:1. Missed period: A missed period can be considered one of the very first sign of any pregnancy. However home pregnancy tests may confirm it otherwise too. The period can also be missed because of health problems,

infection and also as a result of contraceptive pill intake. However missed periods in consecutive months more or less confirm the situation and then it is time to seek medical help. 2. Fatigue: Persistent fatigue and exhaustion is another symptom which can be related to a pregnant state. Generally this starts within the very first week of conception. Medical tests will give the ultimate confirmation because continuous fatigue may be also due to stress and bouts of cold and flu. Tenderness in the breast region is another symptom related to pregnancy which should not be missed. 3. Morning sickness: Another one of the first time pregnancy symptoms include morning sickness or dizziness. This is accompanied with back pain, headaches and vomiting. Continued bouts of nausea is one of the sure ways to detect pregnancy since spells of dizziness and nausea related to food poisoning or stress will not last for a long period and is just a temporary phase. 4. Other symptoms: There is a host of symptoms which indicate a pregnant state. Some of them include the darkening of the region around the areola, increase in the frequency of urination and increased hunger. Also the increased levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone cause mood swings along with irrational behavior. First time pregnancy is a time of great apprehension so it is necessary to understand the first time pregnancy symptomsand visit a doctor for confirmation as soon as possible.