The various abortion pills for terminating pregnancy
Read in this article about various abortion pills for terminating pregnancy.
When a woman is in her stages of early pregnancy that is less than 49 days,

the pregnancy could be terminated by the use of two medicines. The medical pregnancy is given the term –mifeprex. These two drugs could be used for pregnancy which is of 8 weeks or less. The names of abortion pills used for medical abortion are-mifepristone and misoprostol. Before one could use these medicines for terminating the pregnancy there are certain factors involved in it. Any medicine is to be taken has to be done under medical supervision. One needs to take the medical advice before administrating any medicine. Take an appointment with the doctor to ensure that the pregnancy is within the safe period to use the medicines to end it.
Once the ultrasound confirms that the pregnancy is within the 8 weeks of time then you could discuss with the doctor or the counselor about the names of abortion pills and how these work. It is better to know about the risk factors of these medicines. Once all the queries of the patients get answered, the doctor gives the prescription. The mifepristone is to be taken orally. The second one –misprostol is to be taken after 24-72 hours after the administration of mifepristone. When these two medicines are used together, the effectiveness is about 95-97%. The hormone progesterone gets blocked when mifepristone is used. This result in the shedding of the uterine line, softening of the cervix and bleeding could also occur. It is advisable to use these medicines in a place which provides enough comfortable for the person. Within 24-72 hours the second medicine misoprostol is used which results in the contraction of the uterus and expelling the pregnancy. This happens within 6-8 hours. In case the desired result is not obtained it is advisable to consult the doctor.
There are certain risk factors and side effects involved with these abortion pills which are-
1. Bleeding
2. Nausea
3. Vomiting
4. Muscle cramping
5. Headache
In rare cases the vaginal bleeding is heavy which needs blood transfusion. One can only take these abortion pills if there are no health related issues so the doctors and the counselors take the medical history of the person before providing these medicines. One can always get the names of abortion pills from the net, their working, usage and risk factors. Under no situation, these pills should be taken without visiting the doctor and proper medical supervision.