What are the symptoms noticed in the first week of pregnancy?
Read in this article about what are the symptoms noticed in the first week of pregnancy.
The very early symptoms of pregnancy that con be considered the symptoms of pregnancy in first week can be described by women who already have an experience of a previous pregnancy. Many women are very tuned up with their cycle. They can tell when they start ovulating. While some others cannot tell it at all. There is a 72-hour period for many women for which they are fertile. If a woman conceives,

the very early symptoms of pregnancy are:
Missed menstrual period
This is one of the better known early symptoms of pregnancy. When a woman doesn’t have her menstrual period, it is the first clue that she is pregnant. However, menstrual period can be missed by other reasons as well. Missed periods may be due to adverse reactions to something in the system, hormonal imbalance, illness or stress. However, missed period as an early symptom of pregnancy should be surely taken into consideration along with other symptoms.
Elevated body temperature
This is also one of the common symptoms of pregnancy in first week. When a woman ovulates, it is normal that the temperature of the body may rise slightly. The morning temperatures remain higher than that before the ovulation. This will happen till the period begins. If the temperatures remain higher even after that, it is considered to be another common pregnancy symptom.
Morning sickness
Many women feel very nauseous in the morning. This is surely a very common first month pregnancy symptom and a common sign of conception. This will last for several weeks and it should not be considered as a reliable indicator. There are many other possible causes of nausea and they don’t have any relation to pregnancy.
Enlarged and tender breasts
When a woman conceives, hormonal changes are noticed in the body. There is an increase in the hormone. Sometimes, a decrease is also noticed. The body will get used to the changes that are caused by these hormonal fluctuations. One noticeable change that takes place is in the tenderness and shape of the breasts. A woman will not notice these changes as pregnancy progresses. The body is accustomed to various new hormone levels.
Frequent bathroom trips
This is a very common and early symptom of pregnancy. Women tend to urinate more frequently. Some women feel this urge even before their period is missed. This has a relation to hormonal changes.
Thus, one should be aware of the symptoms of pregnancy in first week.