What happens in yeast infection during pregnancy?
This article helps you to know about what happens in yeast infection during pregnancy.
Many people are worried about developing yeast infection during pregnancy. Feeling this way is considered to be very valid. However,
this is extremely unsafe for developing the infections during pregnancy. This fact alone is needed to take some oral medications for fighting the bacterial. However, this is very harmful and is very much important for the baby. Good care must be taken by a woman so that she doesn’t develop any symptoms of yeast infection.
A woman can easily keep away from yeast infection during pregnancy.
She must know about the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection in pregnant women
If she knows about the symptoms of yeast infection, it is essential to avoid any kind of infection during pregnancy. A woman will commonly develop such infections when she is pregnant. It would be best if this can be avoided. But if a woman is suddenly feeling an irritation and discomforts in the vagina, it is very likely that she has already developed an infection. It is very important that she does not disregard any treatment for the symptoms. She will end up passing this to the newborn as she breast feeds. Given below are some of the symptoms that could be linked to the development of vaginal yeast infection in pregnant women:
1. Severe itchiness in the vaginal area
2. Burning sensation in the vagina
3. Discharge which has an unpleasant smell and is discolored
4. Foul fishy odor that emanates from the vagina
5. Pain during urination or sex
6. Reddened vaginal lips
7. Severe exhaustion only by standing up
She must also be aware of the various causes that lead to yeast infection
1. The development of yeast infection in pregnant women is mainly because they have to undergo lots of imbalances in their hormones and metabolism. This can surely affect their pregnancy. The production of sugar in the vagina is triggered. Thus, an environment conducive for feeding the yeasts is created.
2. Another reason why pregnant women become a prey to this infection is because when she is conceiving, the level of estrogen tends to be increased in the body. The growth of yeast is also encouraged. The microorganisms tend to get very attracted due to the yeasts being produced in the vagina.
3. Sometimes a woman takes many oral medications such as antibiotics. The yeast growth can be stimulated due to it.
Thus ,a woman must be very careful while dealing with yeast infection during pregnancy.