Findings from a recent study by APACS show that the amount of overseas fraud exploiting UK debit and credit cards has hit a five-year low. However with ID fraud as one of the UK's fastest-growing crimes, this should not be a cause for credit card protection complacency.
The figures show credit card fraud overseas £92.5m in 2004, which is the lowest figure since 1999, and following a £138.4m peak in 2001. This downward trend was largely attributed to improved fraud detection systems which enable card companies to spot unusual spending patterns associated with the fraudulent use of cards, rather than the recent introduction of chip and pin cards. Sandra Quinn of APACS said "Simple things like making sure your cards never leave your sight, and remembering to dispose of receipts carefully, can make all the difference." Holidaymakers need to take care when using their plastic abroad, especially in the US, France and Spain, which account for nearly half of fraud against UK cards.Foreign fraud on UK cards now accounts for 18% of total UK card fraud, which reached just under £505 million in 2004.APACS advised that holiday makers should:
Source: APACS ( )This contrasts sharply with the rapid increase in ID fraud which was valued at an estimated £1.3bn last year. MyCallCredit warned that up to ten million people could have credit facilities registered in their name which they were no longer keeping track of. This could seriously put them at risk from ID fraud.Which? magazine has suggested that about 1 in 4 adults in the UK have either had their identity stolen or know someone who has fallen victim to ID fraud. ID thieves can run up credit card bills, as well as ordering additional new cards, accessing the victim’s bank accounts, carrying out various other forms of fraud in the victim’s name, such as with government benefits, and taking out fraudulent loans.In an effort to reduce ID theft, Which? ( ) advised consumers to:
Further information on credit cards:Regulations: Financial Services Authority ( )Credit card comparisons: Moneynet ( )Payment Protection: Barclaycard ( )
Mortgage sales hit problems
The housing market has been buoyant over the past few years, but mortgage providers and first-time buyers are both now facing a tough time. Following announcements from the Bank of England that there has been an overall decline in the total number of UK home-buyers, and a declaration from the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) that the number of disputes concerning mis-sold mortgage endowments has now hit record levels, it seems that mortgage lenders are facing a bleak time. Add to this the results of a new survey, by the Edinburgh Solicitors Property Centre, which shows potential first-time buyers fear that they may never get onto the property market, and you start to see a worrying picture of the housing market emerge.Alliance turning towards the financial dark side
Following in the footsteps of many of its high street competitors, Alliance and Leicester has announced that it will no longer accept new customers onto its Online Saver and Direct ISA accounts. The interest rate for the Online Savers account is also being cut from 5.35% to a straight 5%.How to score with credit
With a massive £1.3 trillion of personal debt in the UK, obtaining credit and staying financially afloat are daily dilemmas for the British consumer. Many major banks, including Lloyds TSB, have recently declared an increase in the number of customers experiencing repayment difficulties, with the need for better financial advice and support has never been more important.