Restore Confidence in Yourself and Your Finances
In recent years, the economy has not been at its utmost prime and many of us have made terrible losses investment wise. Some of us had to file bankrup...
In recent years,
the economy has not been at its utmost prime and many of us have made terrible losses investment wise. Some of us had to file bankruptcy to climb out of the hole, while others struggle on a day to day basis. More and more people may feel trapped or feel like they are trapped in a prison of finances and cannot see the light to get out of it. It is quite a beating mentally to know that you do not have what you used to have and can no longer afford the things in life that made you happiest. With depression always following hand in hand with your finances, you will soon loose any motivation to get yourself out of the trap at all, and stress will become something that you are now used to.By restoring that confidence you once had in yourself, you can create a new and positive way of thinking to help get you through hard times and on to the better times in your life, making your problems of finances only a very distant memory. There are no get rich quick schemes or become a millionaire overnight ideas; only an alteration to your way of thinking to help all of those who are ready to realize that it is possible to rebuild their finances up to a point in which they are satisfied. Consumers are buried in credit card debt, credit reports are tarnished, and educational expenses become looming ghosts on your wallet—this, on top of your average monthly bills, makes you feel strapped down and unable to move. But you can move, and freely with the help of a financial adviser.Plan a budget around your sole necessities for each month. Many who do this tend to include things that they have had so long they consider them a necessity, so be careful to keep an eye out for these things when you are doing this. You are not creating an actual budget, only getting in the mindset of a happier place and restoring confidence one step at a time. Once you have your list of necessities (rent, gas, groceries, electric…) draw a line and make a separate list of everything you are actually paying each month. This can include credit card payments, any other debts you are paying down, even your television bill if you determined that it was not one of your “necessities.” This list for most of us is significantly larger than the necessities list, but that is all right. Once you have your list written out, it’s time to try consolidating it. Take any debts that you are paying and write down contact information for these businesses. Call them as soon as you can to talk about lower interest rates, or negotiating the debt that you owe. Some will take up to half off your debt if you pay it in full, which will be worth it for you to do in long run. If there is something large on your credit report and you are making hefty payments towards it each month, try getting the payment lowered. Spending twenty dollars a month is better than spending one hundred dollars a month, or sometimes even a week, when you have a lot of debt to pay off, because it can force you to live in that hole for a longer period of time.Take it one step at a time as you slowly but surely mark those items off your second list. You will see that in a period of a few months time, you are spending that money in other ways, the key difference being that you are enjoying yourself and spending freely.