Everyone has had to battle a tough carpet stain in their life as a homeowner. Here are some simple solutions you can try before calling a cleaning service, as well as some tips you should consider before going into battle.
Everyone knows the "oil and vinegar" line, but what you may not know is that vinegar can be a good weapon against water stains to carpet. Old or dirty water can create brown carpet stains, which are both unsightly and tough to remove. Blotting the stained area with vinegar can be the simple solution you need.
Hydrogen peroxide is good for more than disinfecting cuts. Mixing half a cup of this household chemical with three cups of water can be a good prescription for tough carpet stains, especially sticky food spills.
Overtake tough stains altogether by removing the affected patch of carpet. This solution is good for carpet sections nearest walls and doorways and not in a noticeable center of the room. Extra carpet or carpet from closets or hidden areas can offer good replacements. This option should also be used sparingly, and big jobs are typically best left to the pros.
A good rule of thumb for each of these potential solutions is the question, "How important is this carpet space?" For formal, elegant spaces, where you don't want to risk making the stain worse, calling a professional carpet cleaning service is your best bet. For casual, high-traffic spaces where the impact of the stain is smaller, trying these remedies yourself can give you some good experience with fighting stains.
The type of carpet damage attributed to pet urine can vary widely, depending on the makeup of the urine. Urine removes body waste from animals. Urine content will change over time, depending upon diet, medications, age, health, sex, and reproductive cycles of the pet. Because of these variations, not all urine stains can be removed and possible damage cannot be anticipated.
For more info of this topic, check the link below:
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