Spies inside Religions

May 26


Robert Bruce Baird

Robert Bruce Baird

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The use of religion is well-documented as a social engineering tool and Francis Fukayama’s The End of History and The Last Man admits he and his ilk are adept in this regard. Magicians and propagandists are everywhere in the history of Empire since the days of Tuthmosis if not long before that. But there are less overt operatives than the likes of Augustine and there are double agents like St. Bernard. There also are covert operatives or well-trained people who move into political arenas as is the case with Stalin and his use as the corporate CEO of Russia. Do not assume just because low level people in Masonry say their history is replete with the prejudice and persecution by Catholicism that there was no central organizing plan and alliance (Holy or otherwise) through which the Templars worked with their supposed enemy. The next excerpt {From John Ure of the British Foreign Service} brings us a lesser known operative who might be called an outright spy like Count Rumford.


“No destination on the whole Spanish Main conjured up such dreams of avarice as the sleepy little town of Portobello on the Caribbean coast of Panama. This was not a thriving metropolis like Havana,Spies inside Religions Articles or a mighty seaport like Cartagena; it was a small settlement which only came to life once every couple of years when the Spanish galleons put in to collect the silver which had been brought from the mines of Potosi – up the Peruvian coast to Panama City and across the isthmus by mule – before being shipped back to Spain. It came to life because the galleons not only collected silver; they also brought every sort of consumer commodity which the citizens of Portobello and – more importantly – of Panama City wanted. When the galleons were in harbour, a two-week fair ensued, of which a first-hand account has come down to us from a most unusual source: a book called ‘The English-America’ which is not only available to us but which was also available to Morgan.

Thomas Gage, the author of this remarkable work, was an Englishman born around 1600 into an old Catholic family. He studied in Jesuit seminars {Should this be seminaries?} in Spain, was bilingual in Spanish and became a Roman Catholic priest. Indeed, he was accepted by the ever-suspicious Spanish colonist authorities and allowed to travel throughout the length and breadth of their empire, preaching, administering masses and, more sinisterly, taking notes. Ultimately he returned to England and abjured his religion; he encouraged Cromwell to launch his ‘Western Design’ against the Spanish possessions in the New World and gave evidence during Popery scares against his former coreligionists, many of whom suffered grievously in consequence. He remains something of an enigma: not a very likeable man, but an astute observer.

Gage had stayed at Portobello for some weeks in 1637, before and during the celebrated fair. (It was here, incidentally, that he recounted having grave doubts for the first time about the doctrine of transubstantiation, {This has to do with the body of Christ being in those wafers given at the Eucharist as well as the Resurrection fiction.} as a result of seeing a mouse eat the consecrated Host during the service of Mass – an incident which he recounts in a contentiously pseudo-theological way.).” (1)

I ask the reader to consider that this man was a spy who had gone under cover in the first instance of his study in Spain. This comment about ‘contentiously pseudo-theological’ suggests a long time of venomous intent. His willingness to turn over his one-time ‘coreligionists’ that would have included close friends and acquaintances, is also there to consider. The technocrats or courtesans of Jesuit corporate trade empire in the Americas were to become the cause of internecine Catholic battles and the disbanding of their Order on more than one occasion. Weishaupt formed the Illuminati during one of these periods of disagreement. He had founding fathers including St. Germain (De Medicis), Goethe, William of Hesse who is related to Lord Mountbatten’s family, and Mayer Amschel Rothschild who was working with Professor Oppenheim and who I think is the family Oppenheimer. John Oppenheimer and I became close friends and he wished to have me manage his south London printing company in the early 80s and the Common Market was about to flourish. The developer of the atom bomb was his cousin and we had a most interesting lunch at the Admiralty Club as my voice was heard to echo and patrons mouths did drop as I said Russia was a victim and there was no need of armaments or defenses if truth be known. This was before the Berlin Wall came down and I did explain the economic reasons for my position which I now know was fact a lot more than I was aware at that point in time.

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