Are you thinking about getting a face lift? Here are 9 myths and misconceptions related to that cosmetic procedure!
Do you look older than you feel? Do you feel invisible? Do you want to rejuvenate your face? Face lift surgery is used to erase the signs of aging and it produces a youthful appearance. Face lifts are one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures around the world. Here are 9 face lift myths and misconceptions!
Myth: All Plastic Surgery Procedures Cost the Same
The pricing of cosmetic surgery procedures involves many variables such as surgeon expertise, geographic location, and the effort and time your procedure requires. Be sure to ask about fees when you meet with a plastic surgeon.
Myth: It’s Rude to Ask Too Many Questions
Asking questions is the best way to get to know your doctor. It gives you a chance to learn about his experience, demeanor, and qualifications. Your questions also let your surgeon know you’ve done your homework.
Myth: It’s Rude to Ask for References
A reliable cosmetic surgeon will not have a problem providing you with contact information for some of his patients. Speaking with patients about their results and experience is a great way to learn more about a cosmetic surgeon.
Myth: This Procedure Does Not Leave Scars
Scars are part of any plastic surgery procedure. A plastic surgeon will conceal your scars under the creases and folds of your skin. Surgeons trained in cosmetic surgery techniques are trained to minimize scars.
Myth: Face Lifts are Only for Rich People
Face lifts are not just for the rich and famous anymore. Many plastic surgeons offer patient financing plans. Patient financing will allow you to make affordable monthly payments over an extended period of time.
Myth: There is No Recovery Period for This Procedure
Every plastic surgery procedure requires a time for healing. Most people recover from face lift surgery within one week. After having surgery, you will have some discomfort and your face will be swollen. If you experience severe pain, you should contact your plastic surgeon immediately.
Myth: The Results of This Procedure are Permanent
Wrinkles are usually caused by environmental factors such as smoking, the sun, poor nutrition, and an unhealthy lifestyle . This cosmetic surgery procedure does not stop the aging process, so you may need a touch up at some point. Remember that an excellent cosmetic surgeon can perform a face lift that stands the test of time.
Myth: Every Surgeon Operates in Accredited Facilities
Some surgeons perform cosmetic surgery procedures in non-accredited facilities. Making sure your operation is performed in an accredited facility will increase your comfort level and reduce safety risks. It is important to note that accredited facilities must meet strict standards for surgeon credentials, operating room safety and equipment.
Myth: This Procedure Creates a Plastic Look
When it comes to face lifts, a plastic look usually occurs when patients undergo too many procedures or if they are not performed properly. A qualified plastic surgeon will give you a natural appearance and take years off your face.
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