Ambe Skin Care Products: The Next Step In Beauty
The vast majority of beauty products being sold over the counter do very little to actually treat the problems that women face when it comes to having an aged appearance. Dr. Milind Ambe saw this truth first hand during his practice as a plastic surgeon in Newport Beach early on.
The vast majority of beauty products being sold over the counter do very little to actually treat the problems that women face when it comes to having an aged appearance. Dr. Milind Ambe saw this truth first hand during his practice as a plastic surgeon in Newport Beach. Having the unique opportunity to examine the effects of common beauty products first hand as he operated on thousands of patients,

he determined there has to be a better way. With this in mind, he assembled a team of scientists and professionals to use the scientific method and create a new beauty system. The end result, the Ambe Skin Care line, is a step above.
When formulating the Ambe Skin Care products, the team didn’t want to simply create a competitor to the products that were already out there. They wanted to devise a system that was different from the over the counter products in every way. To that end, they have created a line that is as close to medical grade as one could get without having a prescription. Customers can use the products to treat and correct many of the factors that combine to cause a person’s skin to look older than it should. These factors include wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, uneven pigmentation, and much more. As a person begins to use the APCF system, these problems will begin to go away and the user will experience a much more youthful looking appearance.
Those who have been lifetime users of common beauty products will likely be—and should be—skeptical of these claims. After all, they are the same claims made in advertisements for many of the very products the Ambe Skin Care line is designed to replace. This is why the makers of the system are so insistent that their products not be compared to what is already out there. After beginning the use of the line, women will be astonished at how quickly the changes begin. Whereas common beauty products may make your face feel better, the APCF system will make you look better. Using a nutrition based formula, these products are actually good for your skin, which is more than can be said for the alcohol based products that make up the majority of what is currently being sold.
One of the Ambe Skin Care line’s devout users is none other than Tamra Barney, the star of the “Real Housewives of Orange County” reality show. Having been a patient of Dr. Ambe for some time, she credits the products with giving her a more youthful appearance than she had when she was in her twenties.