Autism Treatment – Chemical Exposure and Treatment in Autism Part 1 of 2 Autism Treatment – Chemical exposure is impossible to avoid but there are ways to reduce your child’s exposure to chemicals and even to support their natural detoxification pathways. Biomedical autism intervention specialist physician, Dr. Kurt Woeller, explains.
With our modern homes and technology that we have,

we are all exposed to chemicals these days. No one can escape chemical exposures one hundred percent because it has become a part of our world. But we understand that many children with Autism have a tendency to be very chemically sensitive. In addition we know that often times children with Autism have impaired detoxification mechanisms and their biochemistry is also upset due to nutritional deficits, digestive imbalances and yeast or bacterial overgrowth, which also can strain their bodies. And so if you add chemical exposure into the mix too some children, not all but some, can react adversely. Those reactions can be in the form of irritability, self stimulatory behaviors, poor sleep, agitation, poor behaviors, etc. in case of acute chemical exposure.
There are various ways to test for chemicals, some are very simple to do, others are not all that affordable or even necessary. If you are just trying to change your lifestyle to reduce your overall exposure to chemicals then you can really do a lot starting in your own home. A good way to reduce your chemical exposure is by choosing organic foods and especially meats that do not have any hormones or antibiotics in them. Choosing water that is purified or filtered can also reduce the chemicals going into your body. Switching laundry detergents, moving away from the synthetic conventional forms to a more natural, biodegradable form with our fragrances is another way. And just be aware that while you can reduce your exposure you will never be one hundred percent free of chemicals. If you live in the country you may live near farming which is sprayed with chemicals and if you live in the city then you will have exposure to smog so daily exposure is more the norm these days.
Epsom salt baths can help if you know that your child has been exposed to chemicals or even if you are just worried about it. Epsom salts are created from magnesium sulfate, the sulfate aids in detoxification while the magnesium is a mineral that is very relaxing for the body. Sulfur chemistry is critical for maintaining connective tissue in the body but it is also very important in the way that our body rids itself of toxins. So for detoxification support, Epsom salt baths can be a great option. And in the next part of this series we can look at ways to implement this very supportive therapy to help your child in chemical detoxification.