Being the second most common neurological disorder back pain interferes with work, routine daily activities, or recreation.
Almost everyone experiences back pain at least once in his or her life and must know how much discomfort does it bring.
Acute or short-term low back pain generally lasts for less then one month or even some days. If it lasts for a longer period of time then you might have a chronic back pain. But in both cases back pain syndromes can become more serious if left untreated.
The common symptoms vary usually from muscle ache to shooting or stabbing pain, limited flexibility and range of motion, or an inability to stand straight.
There are many different factors that can be primary causes of back pain. For example, pain can occur as a result of lifting something too heavy or overstretches that might lead to a sprain, strain, or spasm in one of the muscles in the back. Osteomyelitis or sacroiliitis infections of the spine bones cause low back pain as well.
However, in many cases, back pain is just a sing of other serious medical problems, therefore, pain arising from other organs may be felt in the back. A number of intra-abdominal disorders such as appendicitis , aneurysms, kidney diseases, bladder infections, pelvic infections, and ovarian disorders, can contribute to pain in the back.
Obesity, smoking, weight gain during pregnancy, stress, bad posture or poor physical condition, wrong sleeping position also may provoke low back pain.
Some doctors suggest that bed rest can impair back pain and cause secondary complications such as depression, decreased muscle tone, and blood clots in the legs.
There are many way to treat back pain, but back surgery is needed only in some severe cases.
Treatment of back pain includes using analgesics, reducing inflammation, restoring proper function and strength to the back, and preventing recurrence of the injury.
Relief of pain is often gained when the involved muscle group is stretched. There are unfortunately no specific back exercises to ease the pain in people with acute back pain. In case of chronic pain, exercise may be useful to help people com back to normal life. For example, yoga is a good way to gently stretch muscles and ease pain. Not to forget about simple cold and hot compresses that can significantly reduce pain and inflammation as well.
Snoring Treatment
Snoring seems to be a common problem, but nowadays it is one of the main reasons for breakups or divorce. The irritating snoring noises affect not only the normal life of a snorer, but the whole family.Relaxing Massage
Massage is the best way to reduce muscle soreness or tension in them, but in most cases it just provides the best relaxation of the complete body. Many people use massage therapy to relieve stress or anxiety and receive positive energy. Massage can also help your body to release natural painkillers, and it may significantly strengthen your immune system.Anti-Ageing Skin Care
We all want to look young and feel energetic all the time, but ageing is inevitable, therefore, all of us are looking for ways to maintain our appearance from youth as long as possible. Although aging cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down by taking proper care of your body, keeping an active, healthy lifestyle, what means regular exercises and well-balanced diet.