Bacterial Vaginitis

Jun 9


Michel De Silva

Michel De Silva

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Bacterial vaginitis, or yeast infections, is not something that many women want or need at any point in their lives, but it is unfortunately something that over 75% of women will get in their lifetime. And of this number a great many women will have recurring bacterial vaginitis as well.


To help put a stop to recurring bacterial vaginitis there are a few simple things that can be done. Some of these might involve a lifestyle change,Bacterial Vaginitis Articles but most of these preventative measures are simple things that can be done if only you exercise a little care and forethought.

For instance, abstaining from sexual relations entirely while you have bacterial vaginitis can help to prevent not only the spread of the infection to your partner, but it can also prevent your partner from giving it back to you.

And if you use things like douches, feminine deodorants, or scented feminine hygiene products like scented pads, panty-liners and tampons, you should look at changing these habits.

Instead look to using unscented feminine hygiene products and try to avoid all use of feminine deodorants and douches as these can destroy the delicate balance of the vagina.

Other preventative measures includes avoiding prolonged contact with semen, and if you’re particularly susceptible to recurring bacterial vaginitis, avoiding the use of spermicides.

And if you also take antibiotics to cure yourself of other maladies, you might want to look into using a few preventative measures like changing your diet to include such things as unsweetened yogurt, and garlic.

Both of these options are good if you’re taking a course of antibiotics, as antibiotics can sometimes kill some of the good bacteria in your body along with the bad leaving you wide open to get bacterial vaginitis.

Another thing that you might want to do if you’re taking antibiotics is to fully finish that course. Most people will stop their medication the minute a change occurs for the better, but this in turn can leave your body open to other infections, and immune to the effects of the medication if needed a second time round.

Factors like dietary habits and stress also come into the equation, and by changing these to healthier options you can help your body to gain the strength to fight off any infections.

There can also be times when no matter how diligently you take precautionary measures you might still get recurrent bacterial vaginitis. In these cases it is almost definitely best if you get a proper medical diagnosis.

The recurrence of bacterial vaginitis could be the herald of another underlying medical condition and if you are forever treating only the bacterial vaginitis, you could be laying yourself open to unwanted risks and complications.