Basics To Know About Warts Removal
This article talks about the causes and the various treatment for warts which is caused by the Human papilloma virus. It also describes the various symtoms for warts.
One of the most irritating viruses to have is the HPV virus. It is more formally known as the human papilloma virus. There is a great desire for warts removal. The growths can be uncomfortable as well as unsightly. The most common variety of wart is known as plantar.
Plantar warts are most often found on the bottoms of the feet or on the hands. Hands and feet are the most likely to be exposed to the virus. The virus thrives in areas of warmth and wetness. Common places to pick up the condition are in a shower area and from a pool deck. Those who frequent these places will have the best chance to end up with a plantar wart.
It is not difficult to tell that someone has this condition. A bump forms that can be easily felt by the hand. If it is on the bottom of the foot the growth may cause discomfort while walking. The appearance of the growth is in a gray or brown color. The color is darker than the surrounding skin. Medical websites offer pictures that may be helpful for identification.
Skin growths can also be removed by a dermatologist. Dealing with skin conditions is the specialty of a dermatologist. These doctors can be found by making a local area internet search. The procedures they might employ depend on location of wart,

its age, and its size. They are trained to make this assessment.
The dermatologist might choose to remove the growth by cutting it out. A local anesthesia will be used to numb the area before the procedure. A doctor is trained to conduct this kind of procedure. A person is well advised not to try and cut out their own warts. Special tools and safeguards against infecting the wound are used by the physician.
A treatment of liquid nitrogen is commonly used by a dermatologist. The growth and the skin around it is frozen. Doctors have been using this procedure for decades. The skin will often swell up into a blood blister. This swelling will then dry up and fall off. Freezing no longer has to be done just at the office of a doctor.
Products have been developed to freeze the growth at home. These treatments usually take repeat applications over the course of a few weeks. The freezing procedure at a dermatologist is often a one time procedure. One appeal of doing it at home is saving on the cost of seeing a physician.
There are other methods for treating the condition. A person may choose to purchase an over the counter treatment that consists of placing drops on the growth. This medicine works over several days or weeks. It has been available for many decades. Others choose to attempt removal by placing duct tape over the wart in order to kill it.
Anyone with this unsightly condition has goal for warts removal. There are several choices for methods to get rid of them. They need to be treated properly. They can expose others to infection or spread to other areas of the body if they are allowed to remain