You may have a slow metabolism that is keeping you from losing weight. There are many foods that you can eat that will help you speed up your me...
You may have a slow metabolism that is keeping you from losing weight. There are many foods that you can eat that will help you speed up your metabolism. If you can get in the habit of eating these foods you should be able to eat more calories and still lose weight.
It has been shown that when your leptin levels are lower it is easier to lose weight. Tuna, sardines and salmon contain Omega-3 fatty acids which can lower your leptin level when you eat them. When eating these fish it can also help your heart and fight off cancer.
Your metabolism will speed up when you eat, beans, peanut butter, eggs and lean meats. Protein is very important to having a good metabolism. Even though it has good fats for you be sure to eat peanut butter in moderation. Peanut butter on celery is good because celery is a natural diuretic and will help you lose extra body water.
Spicy foods can also speed up your metabolism. Because they are thermogenic they can actually speed up your metabolism for up to 3 hours after eating them. Hot peppers like cayenne, jalapeno, and habanero would be good to eat to help you lose weight.
Foods that are slow to digest can also help to boost your metabolism and at the same time when you eat them you usually feel fuller and then eat less. Whole grains like oatmeal are in this group. Eating grains will help keep your blood sugar levels even so that only minimal amounts of insulin will be in your bloodstream which can also help with keeping your blood pressure down.
And when you eat any food be sure to eat slowly and chew everything you are eating to almost a liquid form. This will help with your digestion and help your body to get more from the food your are eating.
Also, be sure to exercise because this will also help boost your metabolism. So by eating some of the above foods and exercising you will be on your way to losing some of your extra weight quickly.
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