Breast Augmentation: Creative Ways To Pay
If you have not gotten breast augmentation due to a lack of funds, find out a few ways to pay that you may not have thought of. Just be sure to research them before making a decision.
One of the main reasons that some women do not get breast augmentation is the price,

since most health insurance plans do not cover it. If the cost is the only thing stopping you from getting this surgery, consider a few alternative ways to pay for it. Few women have the cash upfront, and spending years saving up money can be difficult and not realistic, especially when you want results quickly. Therefore, other methods should be considered.
You may not be aware of this, but many cosmetic surgeons offer their own payment plan for patients. Like credit cards, you have to have decent credit in order to qualify, so expect your credit to be run when you apply. Most offices offer an interest- free plan for up to a year or so, which means it is basically the same as paying cash, as long as you can get it paid off in that time. Be sure to get the total and add it up by the number of months you have to pay before determining the required monthly payment. Otherwise, you will end up getting charged high interest rates. On the other hand, some offices only offer plans with interest. If so, make sure it is reasonable, and is lower than the interest rate on your credit cards to make this deal worth it.
You can also take out a personal loan to pay for breast augmentation. If you belong to a credit union, this option may look especially good since you will probably get lower interest rates than with a typical lender. Be sure to shop around and compare rates before choosing which loan to go with. Also, make sure you can afford the monthly payments. While getting your breast augmentation upfront without having to pay cash upfront can be a good deal, you do not want to end up in bankruptcy over implants, as few creditors would have mercy on you in this situation. Therefore, go into this type of financial contract wisely, making sure your income is enough to make the loan payments.
One newer method of getting breast augmentation paid for is through a website where you can allow site visitors to put money into your fund. Be prepared to share pictures, blog entries, or videos with visitors to get the best response, as readers will want to know a bit about you before donating. You can choose a website devoted entirely to getting people to donate to females' funds for this surgery, or you can join a more general site that has members who need a range of services and objects paid for. Just be sure you agree with the terms and conditions of the website, and that it is legitimate.
If you really want this surgery but do not foresee having thousands of dollars at one time, you can choose any of these options. Some are more creative than others, or at least newer concepts, so be sure to check them out before giving them a chance.