Breast Augmentation: Little Known Facts About Preparation for Surgery
Before you sign up for breast augmentation, you need to know what to expect when it comes to consultations, costs, and more. Learn what you should know before the first appointment.
If you are getting breast augmentation,

you can learn a lot by attending the initial consultation. However, there are some things that are good to know before you even go to this first appointment. In addition, some doctors wait to tell patients some facts about the surgery, when you should know long beforehand so you can prepare. Find out some information so that you feel as prepared as possible for this operation.
One thing you might not know is that you may have to go to more than one consultation before breast augmentation. This is because during the first one, you will get information about the procedure, such as the types of incisions and implants available. You will probably get some paperwork about these options so you can go home and review the decisions. You will also likely be given a price quote, along with the payment options you have. This way, you can take some time to think about what the treatment involves, as well as whether this is the best doctor for you.
If you decide to go ahead with it, you will likely need to schedule another consultation. This will be more tailored toward you, not just general patients who want some information before deciding on this procedure. This means your doctor will likely tell you what he or she suggests as far as implant size, type, and placement, as well as where the incision should go. He or she will probably also take before and after pictures. You may be given some forms that your regular doctor will have to help you fill out. This may include a form clearing you for surgery, which means you are healthy enough to undergo an operation. Your regular practitioner may decide to do blood work, x-rays, and other screenings to make sure you are in good health.
Around this time, you will need to start thinking about how to pay for the breast augmentation. You should know that there is usually a small fee for the consultations, so keep this in mind before you go to each one. Then you usually have to pay a deposit before scheduling the operation so that the surgeon is aware you are serious about this. In many cases, you have to pay the rest of the total before you get the surgery done. Many people use a regular credit card to do so, but you can also usually sign up for a medical credit card that is interest-free, or you can find out if the office itself accepts payments so you can slowly pay off the balance. This will probably still require a portion of the surgery to be paid for up front, though.
Now that you are aware of the series of consultations and their related fees, you should consider if you are serious about getting breast augmentation. If so, it is time to find a local surgeon and get more information so you can get started on increasing the size of your chest soon.