Breast Implants and the Following Recovery Period
So you have made all the decisions. Do not assume you are ready to get breast implants until you have your recovery well planned. A strategic recovery, adherence to rules, and precise aftercare are the best tools you have to obtain the best results possible.
So you have made all the decisions. Silicone or saline breast implants? Sub muscular or sub glandular? The best incision for your desired results? Do not assume you are ready to undergo breast augmentation until you have your recovery well planned. A strategic recovery,

adherence to rules, and precise aftercare are the best tools you have to obtain the best results possible.
A plan for recovery is just as important as every other stage before getting breast implants thus far. Get ready to optimize your results by exercising a little preplanning, some avid stick-to-itiveness, and knowledgeable expectations.
Before going in for the surgery, you should prepare your recovery space. Scope out a place to rest. You will want to spend the next few days lounging in a somewhat upright position, and it will be most helpful if you are near the restroom. Avoiding stairs is also a plus. Stock your recovery area with plenty of pillows, replacement blankets, clean changes of loungewear, a selection of literature (okay, tabloids), a phone and a television. You will be living here for a few days, and when you arrive home from surgery, you will want to fall into place without having to think, and you certainly do not want to be getting up and down at all.
One of the best preemptive strikes you can make is to have your pain prescriptions filled prior to undergoing the surgery. You will have a dose of medication at the hospital before leaving, but by the time you get released from the outpatient procedure, sign all the paperwork, listen to the post-op spiel, and arrive home, it will be time for another dose. Having that dose available at your bedside will be the best decision you have made lately.
You will be taking life extremely easy for the next week or so, and if you lead a fairly busy life, you need to make some plans. Hopefully you have already considered your everyday tasks. Do you lift your children? If you are tasked with the care of children, you will be surprised how much you have to stretch and reach in a day's work. Think ahead. Buy groceries that children can easily access and consume without preparation. Put paper plates and soda or juice boxes on the lower level of the refrigerator. Over think every move you make for a few weeks prior. Being over prepared is better than being under prepared when dealing with something as serious as a surgery.
Know that exercise will be off of the radar for a month or more, as will physical contact with the chest area. Contact happens more than you think; again, over think every move you make for awhile. These pre-op decisions for your post-op lifestyle are the most important you will make on the road to recovery from the installation of breast implants.