Colon cleanse benefits are becoming much more widely known and accepted. While doing research on the best colon cleansing products for my personal training clients, I uncovered 3 benefits in particular that were very exciting!
Reports of colon cleanse benefits are both numerous and exciting! Because of these benefits, more and more natural colon cleansers are appearing on the market. Hardly a day goes by without stumbling on an info mercial on t.v. that touts the benefits of an in home colon cleanse. In particular,three of the benefits are so dramatic, that they directly contribute to an improvement in health and lifestyle.
1) Weight Loss
After a colon cleanse, some individuals report losing between 10-15 pounds in 7-14 days! The weight loss comes as a result of the elimination of impacted fecal matter that accumulates over time and clogs the colon.
Because the average American diet does not include enough fiber, foods are not transported through, or eliminated from, the colon.
The fecal matter tends to dry and stick in sheets along the walls of the colon. A colon cleanse softens this toxic material, such that it can be readily eliminated. The result is a very satisfying weight loss!
Regular cleansing can prevent the weight from returning.
2) Relief From Constipation
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic constipation. The inability to eliminate regulary creates a host of problems. Constipation creates a high level of discomfort and anxiety. One of the wonderful colon cleanse benefits is relief from constipation, usually within a few days of starting the cleansing process.
3) Improved Vitality And Energy Levels
Removal of impacted fecal waste enables the colon to properly absorb nutrients from the food we eat. Consequently, our bodies receive the necessary components to sustain our energy levels. All the factors involved with our general state of vitality begin with the health of our colon. Many individuals, when describing colon cleanse benefits, state that their quality of sleep greatly improves.
So, Is a colon cleanse right for you?
The key is to prove to YOURSELF that colon cleansing is right for you. While researching all the top colon cleansing products for my personal training clients, I only found one product that had both remarkable customer testimonials, and a 14 day F-R-E-E trial! CLICK HERE for all the juicy details!
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