Continuing education in counseling classes taken online has so many advantages it's hard to count them all. You'll be convinced that this is the wave of the future and the best way for you to continue educating yourself in your chosen field.
Do you remember your high school counselor? Back when I was in high school,

probably the only continuing education available to my counselor was what they took in college before they graduated with their degree. The rest was most likely learned by trial and error. If they gave you good counsel and all went well when you took it, they gave it again.
Times have changed. Youth nowadays have to go through an awful lot of temptations than their predecessors did. Today's high school counselors need to be ready to give help and advice on a number of staggering situations.
Where do they go to get that help? By periodic enrollment in continuing education for counseling courses at their local college, university, technical school or other special place of education.
10 Best Reasons to Taking Classes Online
1. Variety in Class Choices and Degree Programs - Find just the one to best suit your needs.
2. Lower Costs - Not necessarily less expensive than a traditional school. But when you count in the cost of travel, supplies or textbooks (most materials can be downloaded), it can be significantly lower.
3. No Sitting Around in a Classroom - All lectures, etc. are transmitted via the Web. Since there is no classroom time, the student of continuing education in counseling can take the classes at his own convenience.
4. Choice of Study Times - Routines are essential but the student of continuing education in counseling can simply plan the best time for them to work on their classes.
5. Flexibility in Completion of Assignments - Wouldn't you just love to make your own schedule? Study when you want to? Turn in your assignments when you desire? Taking classes online allows you to do just that. Just be sure you meet your deadlines and you're good to go. You can even turn them in early if you're planning to be out of town the week they're due. I have yet to meet the professor who objected to that!
6. More Options Upon Returning to the Workplace - If you want to stay home for awhile and raise your family before returning to work, online classes will keep you up-to-date in your chosen career.
7. Balance Job and Classes - They allow you to continue working while taking classes online. Again, making your own schedule.
8. Avoidance of Bad Weather - Adverse weather can wreak havoc with classroom schedules but not so with continuing education for counseling online classes.
9. Variety of Specialized Degree Programs - Each online class is geared to the special needs of each and every student. No unnecessary classes are required, overall, saving time
10. Transfer of Credits - Credits are easily transferred and certification is done as well.
I'm sure you will agree there are many advantages to taking continuing education for counseling classes online. See if there isn't one that is right for you.