Daily Skin Care Regime

May 10


Achal Arya

Achal Arya

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A woman’s self esteem is affected by how attractive or beautiful she looks. Anti fungal natural plants like neem, tulsi, turmeric, aloe vera, etc. are very good ingredients to soap solution for cleansing face.


Every person,Daily Skin Care Regime Articles male or female, wants to look good and feel good. Personal hygiene, attractive, clean and fresh skin and beauty have become the demands of today. A woman’s self esteem is affected by how attractive or beautiful she looks.

With so many skin problems caused due to climate, age, eating habits or any other reason are affecting our skins. Many of these problems can be taken care of by following an effective skin care regime. Following are few very simple things one must follow for a clean beautiful skin:

1)      CLEANSE: the most important step in skin care is to keep the skin especially face, neck and hands clean at all times. Pollutants, dust and other foreign particle tend to stick on the natural oil of the skin. These in turn cause skin allergies, acne and pimples. Cleaning your skin with soap or even water atleast thrice a day (Morning, afternoon & before going to bed) will help keep your skin clean. Anti fungal natural plants like neem, tulsi, turmeric, aloe vera, etc. are very good ingredients to soap solution for cleansing face.

Daily bathing is also essential to cleanse the body and protect the skin from allergies, dryness, bad odour, etc.

2)      EXFOLIATE:  Dead skin cells form on the skin surface and look like spots. Black heads and white heads is another skin problem. Exfoliation or scrubbing the skin helps remove dead skin and black heads. Natural exfoliation agents like walnut or apricot are very good. One should use a scrub on the skin atleast once a week. This will smoothen the skin and make it soft and silky.

3)      NOURISH: Cleansing and exfoliation, sometimes remove the oils from the skin. Therefore it is very important to apply nourishing crèmes and lotions to restore lost skin oils and moisture. A good moisturiser consisting essential oils like almond oil, hazelnut oil, olive oil is very good for the skin. Fruit extracts like watermelon, papaya or strawberry is found to bring glow to the skin.

One should apply a moisturizer or nourishing crème every day. Face masks can also be applied once a week for enhanced nourishment and also fighting skin problems like blemishes, etc.

4)      PROTECT: Sun protection has become the need of the day. Harsh UVA & UVB rays have very harmful effects on the skin. A sun screen crème or lotion has become a necessity before stepping out in the sun. One should use a mild sunscreen round the year. This will help protect the skin from tanning as well as greater skin problems like blemishes, wrinkles, etc.