Dentures Can Make You Look Younger
Dentures are no longer the frighteningly out of proportion bunny teeth your grandparents used to sport. Better techniques have led to more natural false teeth that can actually make you look younger.
When the dentist tells you that it might be time to start considering a full set of dentures,

you may feel a lot older than your actual age. False teeth have always had a stigma attached to them even though there are people as young as early 20's who may have them. In the past, the techniques used to make the molds often resulted in one-size fits all, which meant people would end up with unnatural-appearing teeth. If you think losing your existing teeth means you'll be stuck with a mouth full of oversized rabbit "choppers," you have no idea how far cosmetic dentistry has come.
It is estimated that the first set of dentures was made as early as 700BC out of human and animal teeth. It wasn't until 1770 that porcelain made its first appearance. When most people see the first models, they're often struck with horror. Early dental contraptions resembled torture devices rather than cosmetic enhancements. Currently, dentures are made through a more complex process that starts with taking a mold of the patient's mouth. By doing this, the size and shape of the teeth can be adjusted to fit the shape of the gum arches and overall size in relation to each tooth. The denturist will check with the dentist and patient regarding the fit of the teeth once and in some cases several times before completing the full set. This help to ensure that the color, shape, size, and fit are comfortable and matches with the patient's tastes and facial features.
In addition to a more natural and individualized appearance, dentures can also help improve the overall balance of your facial features. When teeth are removed, damaged, or fall out, the shape of the mouth and jaw will change. Once a tooth is gone, the underlying bone of the jaw can deteriorate as well. The lack of volume will eventually be noticeable. The face can actually shorten as teeth and subsequent bone is lost. This shortening will age a person's face or can throw the features out of harmony. Dentures help stop bone loss and keep the muscles in shape, creating more youthful lips and jaw line. By maintaining the proper volume below the surface, your skin won't sag and droop as much as it would if there were no support structures.
If you're still hesitant due to the stigma attached to them, there are other alternatives that you might be better suited for. Dental implants are another option, but the price is significantly greater, costing thousands per tooth. Candidates also need to have enough existing bone to support the implant, so if you've gone several years with missing teeth, this is likely not an option. Unlike removable false teeth, you can save what good teeth are left and there is also far less daily maintenance required other than brushing as you would normal teeth. They can also be customized to fit naturally and are more popular among younger people as they can last for several years.