Everyday Tips for Managing Dental Health
Do you know that teeth are the only part of our body that cannot repair themselves? They are completely dependent on us to take care of them.
Also most of the people I know have a dentist-phobia (I am also one of those). So to save yourselves from those dreaded dental visits and spending a huge amount of money on treatments,
try following a good oral hygiene routine so that your teeth are healthy, shiny and cavity free.
Here are a few of the tips for maintaining a good dental health:
- Brush Your Teeth at Least Twice: That’s the basic rule for managing your dental health. Brush at least twice in a day, if possible after every meal, so that the plaque and debris aren’t collected in the teeth. Try and brushing your teeth for at least 3 minutes and use fluoride toothpaste for an overall cleaning of the teeth and the gums.
- Effective Brush: Choosing the right kind of brush is also equally important. The brush should be comfortable both on your hands and the mouth. Also the bristles should be soft and rounded for a perfect clean mouth.
- Use the Brush Properly: Brushes are to be used in a certain way, for them to be completely effective in removing the debris from the mouth. Try and hold it an angle of 45 degrees and use it in a circular motion, so that maximum area can be cleaned in one go.
- Floss: Flossing is one routine that is usually overlooked, but it is super important. Floss removes debris from those inner dents of the mouth, where a brush can’t clean effectively. Flossing once in a day esp. during the night is enough to make sure that your teeth are cavity free.
- Raw Fruits & Vegetables to Your Rescue: Including raw food items like apple, cucumber and celery act as a natural debris remover from the mouth.
- Vitamin C: Vitamin C plays a crucial role in ensuring healthy gums, which are an important part of dental health. With age the amount of vitamin C varies in the body, so make sure that you do take vitamin C supplement, if you are facing any kind of gum problem.
- Calcium For Strong Teeth: We all since childhood have been made aware that how crucial calcium is in development of healthy teeth and bones. If there isn’t adequate calcium in the body, it’s going to show on your teeth’s health. Make sure you take include enough dairy foods and fruits that are rich in calcium like banana in your diet.
- More Sugar, More Bacteria: Bacteria thrives on sugar (as much as we do). Make sure you brush your teeth after every sugary snack. Same is the case with salted chips and junk food, as it’s getting digested; it breaks down into sugar which is a treat for bacteria.
- Avoid Soda: Sodas are like a double edged sword for the teeth. The acid in the soda damages the enamel which forms a protective layer on the teeth and secondly they contain sugar which invites the bacteria to act. If you have to have soda, try and drink it quickly and make sure to rinse your mouth after that, so that the acid doesn’t get a chance to work on the teeth.
- Drink Enough Water: Certain medications and illness and habits like smoking lead to less saliva production, which plays an important role in tooth decay. Saliva has natural enzymes which not only help in digestion of food, but also keep the bacteria in check. Drinking enough water and keeping the mouth hydrated helps the body in maintaining the required saliva level in the mouth.
- Stay Away From Hard Items: Avoid consuming extra hard items like ice and croutons as chewing these items are bad for the teeth and their muscles. Although teeth are also hard, but chewing extra hard food items put extra pressure on them and cause harm.
- Regular Checkups: Don’t forget to go for regular dental visits at least every 6 months, so that all the unnoticed dental problems can be detected early and resolved. A painless visit to dentist is better than a painful treatment.
Teeth are our companion for lives. So make sure you follow these tips regularly and treat your teeth right because with healthy teeth, comes a beautiful confident smile.