Face Lift - Are You a Good Candidate?
A face lift can take years off the way you look. Find out if you are a good candidate and what you can expect from the procedure.
A face lift can be an ideal way to improve the overall look of your facial muscles and tone. Over time,

as you age, your body begins to lose some of the collagen and tissues in this region. As a result, the skin sags and you develop wrinkles. You can do something about it. Talking to a cosmetic surgeon is the first step in the process, in fact. It is a good idea to focus on what this procedure can offer to you, and to find out if it is the best solution out there. Most cosmetic surgeons will provide you with numerous tips on determining if this procedure can work or if another one is best.
The Consultation
The first step in determining if you are a good candidate for a face lift is having a consultation. This is an opportunity for your doctor to examine you and to determine if this is the right procedure for your particular needs. Here are some things they will be looking for during this consultation.
• Do your facial features no longer resemble your youthful experience due to the effects of aging? Are you looking for a way to refresh your appearance and to rejuvenate your skin? These are common areas your doctor will consider when determining if this is the right procedure for you.
• Having a face lift will work to tighten up any underlying tissues and muscles in the area. It will work to smooth over the skin of the neck and facial region. It will also remove any excess skin that could be leading to this aging. Your doctor will determine if any of these things is beneficial to you.
• Your doctor will do a pre-operative consultation which will look at your health. Both your physical condition and your history will be taken into consideration. If you are healthy enough for the procedure, the doctor will ensure that the face lift is the right option for you.
• He or she will do that by looking at the bone structure of your face,, the underlying structure of the skin and the goals you have to create a plan to use. This procedure is generally one that the cosmetic surgeon can alter to fit your specific needs better. There is a great deal of versatility in it to allow for each person to get the results he or she is looking for.
In most cases, being a candidate for a face lift implies that you are physical able to have the procedure and that the procedure itself will provide the best overall outcome to achieve your goals. Many people have this procedure each year. Most of them take years off of their looks by simply having it done. However, that does not mean it is right for you. To find out, schedule a consultation with a cosmetic surgeon and discuss your options. Find out if this is the right procedure to accomplish your specific goals and what you could look like after it is done.