Face Lift Procedure after a Traumatic Accident
Any injury or changes to one's face can be particularly devastating. The many forms of the face lift procedure and its surgical and non-surgical compliments can help to restore the features and beauty that injury and time have caused the patient to lose.
The natural body changes with time. We've all come to expect these gradual changes known simply as the aging process. But instead of settling,

we fight. Instead of allowing the wrinkles to sink in we purchase and apply scrubs, chemical peels, washes, toners and, on average, several different moisturizes throughout any given year. It is all to keep Father Time and Mother Nature off of our faces and bodies, as much as possible anyway. You've worn sun block lotions before going out of doors, you've hydrated daily and you've even seen your dermatologist when something is going on with your skin from acne to age spots. But then there are moments in life that we call accidents which cause trauma to the face. The incident may have caused torn/scratched skin or broken bones in the face and jaw that have misplaced one's beautiful features and caused unattractive scarring. Although the scarring may fade in color or thickness they don't disappear with time or age. Therefore, many men and women who were once victims of facial injury take their beauty back by use of the surgical and non-surgical procedures; tools and techniques of the face lift procedure. A skilled, and board certified plastic surgeon can help improve the physical condition of each patient's face to not only help them forget the injury but to help them move forward in their lives with a face they recognize in the mirror. As stated above, the face lift procedure has both surgical and non-surgical techniques. On one hand, the surgical components can be performed as one full lift or as different smaller procedures that improve the appearance of sections of the face from the forehead/eyebrows, middle of the face with the cheek pads and lower face around the nasofacial fold and jowls. Regardless of the parts of the face that the patient would like to improve the appearance of, the incisions are hidden beyond the hairline and around either ear. From the incisions a pocket is made so that specially designed hook-like devices are inserted to lift and reposition the muscles and fat pads and secure them at a more youthful height. On the other hand, the face lift procedure also includes non-surgical components that improve the appearance of the face with the advent of one or several treatments. The plastic surgeon can use microdermabrasion and glycolic acid (or other solutions) to assist in resurfacing the skin of the face. Or, he or she can use facial fillers to compensate for muscle damage. As you can tell, there are several ways that a face lift procedure can help men and women overcome the injury that once took some of their youth and beauty briefly.