Facelift: Transform your Facial Contour Naturally
A facelift is a cosmetic rejuvenation procedure that helps tighten sagging skin and improve facial structure to minimize the signs of aging and enhance the overall facial appearance. Modern-day facelifts are long lasting, boost skin tightening and can dramatically transform your looks.
A facelift is a restorative surgery that can effectively improve signs of aging in your face as well as the surrounding regions,

particularly in the neck. Also termed as Rhytidectomy, this rejuvenation procedure can help tighten sagging skin and reduce creasing and fine lines on sensitive facial tissues around the eyes and forehead. Facelifts can even improve muscle tone by removing loose skin and excessive subcutaneous fat from the cheek area, creating a youthful and chiseled countenance.
Why Surgery
While most men and women looking to fight aging prefer non-surgical procedures, facial rejuvenation treatment that is not backed up by surgery often provides only short-term results. Non-surgical procedures may however be appropriate is you are looking only to delay surgical intervention or wish to enhance the effects of surgery.
What Facelifts Entail
Facelifts are perhaps the most popular and successful cosmetic surgical procedures. In most cases, this involves removal and repositioning of subcutaneous facial fat and trimming of excess skin to help tighten in tightening facial skin. Usually the procedure can be performed using a single incision on the face and another on the chin to help counter jowls and diminish signs of aging in the neck.
While conventional facelift procedures were more invasive, current technology has helped hone existing know-how to create sophisticated surgical techniques that can even work on enhancing the basic structuring of the face. Termed as sub-muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), contemporary facelift surgery can reconstruct the basic outline of the face and jaw for a more youthful appearance. Superficial fat layers are then removed as necessary to reduce cheek fat and lessen facial sagging, and sometimes even the interlacing connective tissue and muscles may need to be realigned. Typically, the surgery itself lasts two to four hours, and as with most invasive procedures some amount of bruising and scarring is to be expected post-surgery. Facial swelling may subside in a few weeks and most scars disappear with time.
Surgeries That Complement Facelifts
Potential candidates for facelifts include those who are faced with specific concerns, such as facial sagging and wrinkles, loose skin, or excessive subcutaneous fat. Depending on the desired area where correction is sought, you could opt for a particular technique to focus on those specific areas alone. The typical outcome of a conventional facelift can be further enhanced with other rejuvenation procedures such as eyelid surgery to help revive aging eyes, and brow lifts to correct severely furrowed brows. There are several procedures that may be ideal for those who do not wish to opt for full facelifts. These min-facelifts are less-invasive with minimal scarring and lower costs, and can be tailored to resolve specific concerns such as prominent jowls or double chins, or signs of aging in the neck region alone.
Facial restorative surgery is a highly personal choice, and it is important remain positive yet pragmatic on the potential outcome of surgery. If you wish to opt for a facelift, ask your cosmetologist for a referral to a skilled plastic surgeon experienced in facial surgery. Facelifts performed by a professional cosmetic surgeon can literally turn back time, toning facial skin and minimizing fine lines to create an appealing facial contour.