Fear of Dentists? Some Encouraging Solutions
Fear of dentists is probably one of the most common phobias people share. Because getting regular checkups and immediate help for anything wrong is so important, here are some solutions for those people who would rather be doing something—anything—else besides sitting in a dental chair.
Even though most people get over this fear and visit the dental office two or three times a year,

there are those who cannot overcome their apprehension. Of course, a significant amount of delay in seeking regular oral care can lead to serious tooth problems and gum disease, nothing anyone wants to deal with. Because getting regular checkups and immediate help for anything wrong is so important, here are some solutions for those people who would rather be doing something—anything—else besides sitting in a dental chair.
It’s not unusual for a fear of dentists to be based on facts, rather than irrationality. Phobias often work that way. People are afraid of spiders because they look ferocious and weird, but they are also concerned with getting bitten by one of the poisonous ones. Likewise, people are afraid of the dental office because it is uncomfortable and they don’t want to be lectured, but also because there may be real discomfort and pain involved. If you have sensitive teeth, this can become even more of a problem. Here is a solution. When you’re getting cold water sprayed against your teeth, it can be painful. Press your tongue against the back of the teeth in question to reduce the discomfort. The same piece of advice can also work against cold air.
Make sure you schedule your appointments for times when you have no excuse to skip them. If you schedule you appointments during the work day, you’ll always have the excuse that you can’t afford to take off. No matter what your life is like, you can find time to get to the dentists’ office and get your teeth cleaned. If your life is too hectic for that, it’s time to reschedule your life. Your teeth are important and they should be a priority. But if you have that nagging phobia, it’s easy to find excuses not to go. Remember that you’re only hurting yourself when you do this.
Finally, you may want to try out sedation dentistry. It is completely safe and it has been a godsend for many people who would otherwise never be able to go for a regular checkup. Look at the dentists in your area and see if any of them offer this helpful solution. If so, you can simply sleep through your next appointment and you’ll have no reason to fear the dentist ever again