You cannot escape talks about health and fitness in today’s times; they are everywhere. Every second day some new diet is being discovered and recommended for people of the world to follow in order to get the perfect body shape. Celebrities like Beyonce have popularised certain diets and people tend to follow them. The idea is that people want to be fit and not face any health trouble, which can slow them down. Due to this, they pay a great deal of attention to the nutrients that are consumed by them.
You cannot escape talks about health and fitness in today’s times; they are everywhere. Every second day some new diet is being discovered and recommended for people of the world to follow in order to get the perfect body shape. Celebrities like Beyonce have popularised certain diets and people tend to follow them. The idea is that people want to be fit and not face any health trouble, which can slow them down. Due to this, they pay a great deal of attention to the nutrients that are consumed by them.
One such diet which has emerged is the blood type diet which recommends people to eat as per the requirements of their respective blood groups. This diet divides all the people in the world into 4 basic blood group categories namely, A, B, ABO and O. The theory on which this diet has been based on is that if you follow regular blood type eat patterns, then discomfort, disease and ailment causing lectins will not generate harmful reactions in your body. These lectins are elements which enter the body through certain foods that are mostly high in protein. Although 95% of them are absorbed by the body and pose no harm, to avoid the 5% from aggravating the weak points of the body, following blood type eat habits helps.
The blood group a is considered to be the agrarian or cultivator and this type dates from the dawn of agriculture, 20,000 years ago. The foods for blood type a, consists mainly of beans, grains, legumes, tofu, fish, soy and fruit. Those whose blood group is a, ought to avoid all sorts of meats, especially the processed ones available in restaurants, cans, tins and as cold cuts. Since they need to follow a low calorie diet, they are recommended to stay away from all kinds of dairy products such as butter, cottage cheese, milk, butter, cream, etc. These people should cut down on their consumption of chemically treated and processed foods since they are not very compatible with the A category. Also, kidney and lima beans as well as wheat products need to be consumed very rarely. Stuff like beef, pork, shellfish, aged cheeses, cashews, pistachios, wheat bran, potatoes, olives, yams, cabbage, mushrooms, tomatoes, melons, bananas, oranges, mayo, beer and black tea are also barred from consumption.
As one can see, the diet for such kind of people is totally free of red meat and is more vegetarian in nature. Scientifically speaking , these foods for blood type a have been recommended to people so as to reduce and eliminate discomforts, disorders and diseases that such people, who tend to be of a thin body frame, suffer from. These include low stomach acid, a sensitive digestive system, excess amounts of mucus, infections, heart & cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.
This is a nutrition plan based around your blood type; it will surely bring about weight loss in people although it doesn’t aim to as the restrictions on diets are such that all the unhealthy trimmings are cut out anyway.
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