Fun Family Exercise Ideas
Teaching children about the importance of exercise is critical to reduce the amount of children who suffer with obesity in this nation. There are many ways that families can spend fun time together and get fit at the same time with family activities. Here are some fun family exercise ideas:
Teaching children about the importance of exercise is critical to reduce the amount of children who suffer with obesity in this nation. There are many ways that families can spend fun time together and get fit at the same time with family activities. Here are some fun family exercise ideas:
Walking – this is one of the best ways for families to spend quality time together and get exercise at the same time. Children of all ages can enjoy taking a walk with their parents. If children are very young,

they can ride along in a baby carrier or stroller, while older children can just hold their parents’ hands and walk alongside. Walking is an exercise that can be done anywhere and anytime. You can walk outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. On rainy or cold days, you can walk inside at local shopping centers. Make it more fun by adding games for the children to participate in, like looking for certain colors, or things in nature like rocks, birds and animals.
Outdoor games – The best thing about being a family is having enough people to be able to participate in group outdoor games. Families can enjoy the great outdoors by playing tag, hide and seek, volleyball or badminton, or even flag football, kickball or soccer. The possibilities are endless as there are outdoor games for any size family and for all age groups. Just be sure to have lots of fun, dress in layers and wear sunscreen.
Household chores – Sure even doing household chores can be fun if the family does them together. Chores like picking up the house, making beds, dusting and caring for laundry are all important aspects of running a household. Give each child a specific chore that they can do and then each family member has one hour to get them done. Make it more fun by playing lively music and dancing around the house. The first one to get done gets a special privilege. This teaches children the importance of being responsible for themselves and their belongings in a positive way and its great exercise.
Gardening – When the weather is nice and you can have a garden, include the entire family in this process. Allow small children to help with getting starter plants sown. Larger children can help with keeping the garden neat and clean and pulling any weeds that come up. When vegetables start growing, allow children to choose ripe ones to include in healthy meals. Gardening can be a fun way for families to spend time together, get outdoors for some exercise and explore the wonders of nature at the same time.
Exercising is not one of the favorite things to do in the world, but you can make it more fun through family friendly activities.