Goodbye to Breast Augmentation Myths
Breast augmentation can make breasts larger and give them a more shapely appearance. There are many wrong ideas about what happens as a result of having implants. Here, we attempt to put an end to many of these myths.
If you would like to get breast augmentation but you are nervous because of some of the things you have head about implants then you need not worry as there are too many myths in society about having breast enlargement surgery. For instance one of the most talked about myths that has gotten old by now is that silicone implants are not a safe choice.
The truth about breast implants that are made of silicone is that they have been studied extensively and are certified as effective and safe according to the FDA. This is supported by decades of research studies and clinical tests done in the United States. If you would like to have augmentation surgery and you would prefer to choose silicone over saline implants then there is no reason why you should not make this choice.
Have you ever heard it said that implants have a hard feel to them and are not supple in the way that a woman’s natural breasts are? While it is true that implants have a slightly different feel to them then regular breasts,

approximately nine out of 10 patients are very happy with their breasts following the enlargement operation.
There are instances however when capsular contracture takes place following breast augmentation. This is when scar tissue forms around the implant. It can feel hard as a result of this. If you develop this condition following your operation then make an appointment to see your doctor right away.
If you are concerned about developing cancer of the breast or some other kind of disease because of having breast augmentation then push that out of your mind right away. There is absolutely no evidence to support the belief that females who get implants are more prone to developing breast cancer or other medical diseases.
Some women of childbearing age worry that if they get implants they will not be able to breastfeed their infants. The ability to breastfeed varies from one woman to another and is not heavily impacted by whether a woman has implants or not. As well if you decide to have silicone implants you will not be exposing your baby to high amounts of the substance. Other factors play a role in whether a woman can breast feed or not.
Doing regular self examinations on the breasts is important for all women. You need to look for any lumps, bumps or irregularities in your breasts and you should have them checked yearly by your physician. Mammograms are the tests that are used to check for breast cancer. All women should have a mammogram at some point in their lives if a problem is suspected.
It is a little more problematic for those who have breast augmentation to have this test performed. However a skilled radiologist will know how to get a clear and accurate reading when a patient comes in who has had breast implants. Before your exam always let the radiologist know that you have had work done on your bosom. Do not let this be a reason to forego having breast enlargement surgery when you really want it.