Are you one of those individuals who have ever experienced the largest zit that comes at the very wrong time? It never fails to show up when you have to be somewhere important like a wedding or a first date.
Some of the home remedies for zits will work great for your acne. A few work better than others but they all are options you can try to use that are found in your kitchen cabinets. These special home remedies for zits include the following:
1. Dab toothpaste on the zit to help take out swelling and redness. Some individuals say it works for them.
2. Citrus fruit rubbed on the face has been one of the home remedies for zits if you apply the juice directly on the mark. By the following day, the zit should be all but gone, or at least improved. Try adding the citrus juice to some green tea and applying it to the face. Both are good to use separately but great together.
3. Fresh garlic is the one of the home remedies for zits that seems to be the favorite. It takes about four applications a day for the acne to fade. For long term care, it is the best but not so effective for spot treatments.
4. A cut up cucumber mixed with tea tree oil helps not only zits but other skin conditions. It is great for providing you with a healthier and clearer skin tone.
5. Your diet is the key to having a clear complexion. The book, Acne Free in 3 Days is one of the best for guiding you and showing you how to change the foods in your diet to make your acne improve.
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