How to Release your Attachment to Food

Feb 24




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Learn how to release your attachment to food and lose weight at the same time.


If you're like most people,How to Release your Attachment to Food Articles you want to lose weight but you don't want to have to give up all of those yummy treats you enjoy. You want to have your cake and eat it too - literally! Wouldn't it be great if we could just take a magic pill and become fit, healthy and happy without doing all the hard work?

In the interest of permanent and sustainable weight loss, I'm going to let you in on a little secret: Once upon a time, I ate whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. If I felt like eating chicken wings at 3PM, I did just that, without a thought to fat content, calories or anything even remotely health-related. Every day of my lazy and decadent life involved the consumption of large quantities of all the foods that are high in fat and low in nutrient density. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I was (and still am) what you might call a 'guts'. And absolute disgrace to the dieting community - and I was proud of it!

I hated vegetables with a passion and avoided them like the plague. I would have been lucky to see an apple every 5 years much less eat it. Ironically I was not overweight by any stretch of the imagination, but that's not the point here; the point is, I was very unhealthy....only I didn't know it at the time. Even though I was continually sluggish and sleepy, had no motivation and was highly anxious, all this seemed quite normal to me; since I had never known anything different.

Then one day out of the blue I took responsibility for my health; I decided that if I was going to live a long and productive life, I'd better start making some lifestyle changes. At the tender age of 26, I re-vamped my eating habits - and what a shock that was to my system! It took some getting used to I can tell you. But with my new improved lifestyle change I realised something I hadn't realised before: In the past I was so used to eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted (often when I wasn't even hungry), that I had never really enjoyed the things I was eating! It was like every day was a holiday for me....and that can be really boring.

There is a very interesting term for this, and it's called "hedonic adaptation". Basically what is means is that as humans we're very adaptable to our current situations, whether good or bad. In simple terms, we get used to things very quickly. This theory explains why many people who win the lottery go back to their original happiness level six months after learning of their win, and despite having access to all the things that are supposed to make us 'happy'. Hedonic adaptation is an advantage in difficult situations, but can be a disadvantage when it means that we stop appreciating the opportunity to experience pleasant circumstances.

So even though I didn't know it, by choosing to eat healthy foods most of the time and indulging in my favourite treats less often, I was actually combating hedonic adaptation. My new lifestyle allowed me to indulge in those lovely little treats every now and then, but not every day. Because of this, I was (and still am) able to look forward to my culinary luxuries. Half the pleasure for me is in the anticipation of how good it will taste, the preparation of the meal, the mindfulness and truly embracing the experience of enjoying whatever I have allowed myself to eat (without a trace of guilt!) instead of scoffing it down (or rather inhaling it) in 2 seconds flat.

So for those of you who view healthy eating as somehow missing out or going without, I hope this article has allowed you to re-frame your thoughts. Eating well does not have to equal misery. Delayed gratification has its advantages. Aside from the obvious benefits that a balanced diet and exercise have proven to offer, sustainable weight loss is all about balance. It is neither deprivation, nor is it over-indulgence. It is neither black nor white. So take comfort in the fact that you always have a choice, and you can make the choice to let go of all-or-nothing thinking.
