It is not easy coping with anxiety. Releasing anxiety is actually easier than is it may seem. Here is five steps patients go through to let go of anxiety with hypnosis, on spot.
When you feel like the world is closing in on you every single day you may want to try using hypnosis for anxiety attacks. It can be a horrible life to try to live with anxiety attacks and every single day stress that is just not normal. When an anxiety attack strikes it will go after your rational mind, but with hypnosis you can work on your sub conscious mind and learn to calm yourself before the attack.
Hypnosis will not work for everybody, but is has been proven to work for nearly 2 out of every 3 people. This is a very high success rate and as long as you can trust a therapist or a self hypnosis program you can find the control you have been searching for over your attacks.
Here are some of the steps to expect while using hypnosis for anxiety attacks.
5 Steps to Expect During Hypnosis for Anxiety Attacks
Whether you use a professional therapist or you decide to use a self hypnosis program all of these five steps will be included.
1. Find a Comfortable Spot
If you are at the office of a therapist they will have a couch you can use to get into a comfortable position. Those using a home program need to find a place that is quiet and comfortable. You don't want to be so comfortable that you actually fall asleep, but you do want to be comfortable. After you are comfortable you will start to relax every part of your body from the top of your head to your toes.
2. Begin your Journey
When you are trying to use hypnosis for anxiety attacks you will be able to find a deep calm and with a specific trigger you can break out of this trance like state whenever you decide. You will begin by picturing a place you find to be very relaxing, a happy place of sorts. If you are using a professional they will guide you through this part of your journey. You will descend slowly into this happy place of yours as the relaxation gets deeper and deeper. If you want to experience the highest level of success with a home program you may want to make sure you get a very positive script from a professional therapist. This script will work on your sub conscious and with a professional you will be listening to the sound of their voice.
3. Counting Down
As you get into your peaceful place many successful hypnosis programs will have you counting down 10 steps. This could be a spiral staircase or just a regular staircase moving you from a very calm and relaxing place to your happy place. This needs to be a very slow process taking you slowly from one step to another until you are in a completely relaxed state.
4. Trigger
At this point the program you are using or your therapist will walk you through creating a trigger. This trigger will allow your mind to go to this peaceful place whenever you need to. If you are doing this on your own the trigger may be on the CD or audio file you are working with. Most of the time the trigger is as simple as putting your hand over your heart or pinching a fold of your skin.
5. Coming out of Hypnosis
When it is time for you to come out of the hypnotic state the therapist will guide you out slowly and will help you to come out properly. If you are using a home program you will reemerge with a five step count and slowly go from being hypnotized to being fully conscious again. This is a very important part of the process and should be handled with care.
How Long with Hypnosis for Anxiety Attacks take to Work?
You can feel much calmer and stress free after your first session, but in order to change your sub conscious and teach your mind to be relieved from the anxiety it will take about 28 days. This is about how long it takes to create a new habit and if you are going to do this with a self hypnosis program you will need to use it daily until you reach this point.
With an actual therapist it may take a series of sessions over a few months, but this is a small price to pay if you want to get rid of your actual anxiety attacks. Using hypnosis will help you gain control over your stress and anxiety. If you use hypnosis for anxiety attacks you can get back to living a peaceful and normal life.
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