The correct disc is to act as a shock facet joints that connect.
IDD Therapy in Atlanta is used predominantly for treating bulging and herniated discs in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spine. At one time known as slipped discs,

the term is very misleading since the disc has not slipped, being firmly attached to the spine.
The correct terms are either a herniated disc, where the disc has burst and the spongy gel inside protrudes from between the vertebrae, or the fibrous sheath of the disc has lost strength and the inside has bulged, though not actually been forced out of the disc. In either case, the result is very painful, particularly when pressure is applied to the spinal nerves.
The function of the disc is to act as a shock absorber between vertebrae, and when this property is comprised then movement can be severely curtailed. The condition can also cause inflammation of the facet joints that connect the vertebrae in such a way as to allow you to bend backwards and forward. These are cartilage joints protected by lubricating synovial fluid, roughly like your knee joints, but much smaller of course. When inflamed, the synovial fluid can also cause pain and restrict your movement.
Although back pain is one of the major reasons for lost working hours in the USA, it has not had a good history of cure, most being only partially successful at best. Here are some of the methods used other than IDD Therapy in Atlanta for treating back pain.
Non-Invasive: Spinal Traction
In spinal traction the top half and bottom half of the body are basically pulled away from each other to pull the vertebrae apart. By use of suitable braces traction can be directed to the cervical or to the lumbar vertebrae, but not individual vertebrae. Traction releases the pressure of the vertebrae on the discs and allows them to expand and relieve the pressure of a bulged or herniated disc against the nerves. It can sometimes be effective, but can also be uncomfortable and has been largely superseded by those below for the treatment of individual discs.
Surgery: Spinal Fusion
In spinal fusion, the disc is removed completely, and the bones above and below its position fused together. Because one disc is now missing, it is possible for other healthy discs to experience more pressure and eventually give way. Many such cases need further surgery later in life.
Heat Treatment: Intra-Discal Electrothermoplasty
IDET involves using X-rays to guide a hollow needle into the damaged disc. A resistance wire is then threaded through the needle and heated to destroy any nerve fibers that have formed in the disc. It is also used to melt the outer wall of the disc to initiate the formation of new protein that strengthens it. Treatment can take several months, but even then the success rate varies from about 25 up to 60% depending upon the degree of damage.
Radiofrequency Treatment: Radiofrequency Discal Nucleoplasty
Also known as Coblation Nucleoplasty RDN again involves the needle, but rather than a wire, a radiofrequency probe is inserted through it. This generates a plasma field that vaporizes part of the nucleus pulposus, thus releasing some of the pressure within the disc and on the nerves. It is very useful for bulging discs that cause sciatic pain by pressing against the nerve.
IDD Therapy: Intervertebral Differential Dynamics
IDD Therapy in Atlanta is applied by means of the Spina System IDD® and is designed to decompress the space between the vertebrae so that a vacuum is generated in the disc, much in the same way that a vacuum is generated in an opening bellows. With the bellows, it draws in air, but with the disc, it draws in water, oxygen and nutrients that allow healing to take place.
It is a computer-controlled system, programmed to meet the needs of each individual patient. Individual discs can be targeted and around 20 – 30 courses of treatment over an average of 5 weeks are needed. That is because each treatment period of about 40 minutes results in progressively more healing until the disc is eventually completely healed, and the patient can live a normal pain-free life again. The success rate is higher than 85%.
The application of the IDD system involves a mild pumping action that creates the pressure differential of the discs, and so causes the discs to expand and suck in the oxygen and water needed to revitalize the pulposus and strengthen the annulus. It also affects the facet joints in a similar way – these are the cartilaginous synovially lubricated joints that enable you to bend backwards and forwards. Problems with these can also be treated using IDD Therapy in Atlanta, and frequently just repairing the disc is sufficient to provide relief from facet joint pain. Of all these optional methods of treatment, IDD Therapy in Atlanta is the preferred method because of its non-invasive nature and its high success rate.