the spine has a fair weight to carry, each vertebra is protected from the two on either side of it by a disc in form then finally the coccyx with three fused vertebrae. the combination of discs permits extension and flexion of the spine. Two other components of each vertebra are known as the facet joints
In Atlanta IDD Therapy is used to treat problems with the spine,

specifically herniated or bulging discs: commonly erroneously referred to by some as slipped discs. A brief discussion of spinal anatomy will be used as an introduction to how Intervertebral Differential Dynamics can be applied to provide a permanent cure to these painful vertebral conditions.The spine consists of five regions: the cervical region, comprising the first seven vertebrae, the thoracic region comprising the next 12, the lumbar region that contains five vertebrae, but sometimes six in a few people, the sacrum that has five fused vertebrae, then finally the coccyx with three fused vertebrae.
Disc problems are associated predominantly with the cervical and lumbar regions.Vertebral AnatomyVertebrae are complex structures that are designed to offer rigidity to the body but also a degree of flexibility, most of that coming from the cervical and lumbar regions. They also hold and protect the spinal cord: the thick nerve bundle that comes from the brain and distributes the nervous system throughout the body. Because the spine has a fair weight to carry, each vertebra is protected from the two on either side of it by a disc in form of a fibrous ring, or annulus fibrosus, containing a central spongy gel that is known as the nucleus pulposus, formed of water, collagen and proteoglycans.
This gel acts as a shock absorber and protects each intervertebral disc from shock damage, as well as the brain and nervous system; the combination of discs permits extension and flexion of the spine. Two other components of each vertebra are known as the facet joints, which allow you to bend backwards and forwards, and also to twist. These are coated with cartilage and lubricated with synovial fluid. These joints can be affected by disc problems and themselves give a lot of pain, particularly if inflamed. However, let’s look at herniated discs and how they are caused.Herniated DiscsA disc can become herniated as a result of an injury, though more commonly through wear and tear. At first, the nucleus pulposus becomes weaker, often just through age. As it degenerates further it can prolapse and move, causing a bulge in the annulus: this is known as a bulging disc, and can cause pain if it interferes with a nerve. It can then break out of the annulus fibrosus, and finally even drip out of the disc. The last two stages are referred to as herniated discs.
The bulge or the hernia can cause extreme pain if it presses against the spinal cord or any of the smaller nerves radiating from it. This type of condition occurs predominantly in the lumbar region, where discs are under severe stress from bending and stretching and also from the weight of the sacrum beneath them. It can also occur to a lesser extent in the cervical region, due to the twisting and bending of the neck, and the weight of the head. It is vary rare in the thoracic region where the discs are thinner due to the relatively lower level of stress experienced by these vertebrae.Facet Joint PainThe facet joints previously referred to can become damaged as a result of a damaged disk.
They are not designed to take loads, but to allow movement between them, and any excessive load placed on them due to the lack of cushioning by the disc can damage the joints and cause inflammation of the synovial fluid as a result of the body’s inflammatory reaction to damage.Treatment using IDD TherapyThere are several methods that can be used to treat both herniated and bulging discs, facet joint pain and other problems associated with them such as sciatica caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve root at the spine where it leads off down into the leg. However, in Atlanta IDD Therapy is commonly used due to it offering the highest chances of a permanent cure. Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy (IDD Therapy for short) works by gently massaging and manipulating the vertebrae on either side of the affected disc to create a pressure differential between them.
This pressure differential generates a pull on the disc that creates a vacuum within it, creating suction that draws in water, nutrients and oxygen to enable the disc to regain its natural conditions and enable curing of the damage to take place.The IDD Therapy also involves gentle massage of the muscles to ensure that they don’t spasm and also to relieve any that have. Pain relief can also be provided to help the patient until the treatment takes effect. It is computer controlled by means of the Spina System IDD® equipment that is programmed to suit each patient’s individual condition. The success rate of Atlanta IDD Therapy has been reported as being over 85%, which is considerably higher than any other available treatment. It is the preferred treatment for most people that suffer a herniated disc or bulging disc, and also for the relief of certain types of sciatic pain and facet joint pain.