In Atlanta IDD Therapy, otherwise known as Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy, is used to effectively treat many forms of back pain. Back pain is one of the major causes of lost working hours in the world, and the second most common medical condition in the USA. If not treated in a timely manner many forms of back pain can cause permanent disability, and unfortunately it is one of those conditions that, while very common, is frequently treated inadequately.
In Atlanta IDD Therapy,

otherwise known as Intervertebral Differential Dynamics Therapy, is used to effectively treat many forms of back pain. Back pain is one of the major causes of lost working hours in the world, and the second most common medical condition in the USA. If not treated in a timely manner many forms of back pain can cause permanent disability, and unfortunately it is one of those conditions that, while very common, is frequently treated inadequately.
Lower back pain, also known as lumbar pain, is the most common form, generally due to the bending and twisting motions involved as well as the weight of the sacrum it has to hold. The next most common is cervical back pain in the 7 cervical vertebrae of the neck. These vertebrae are subject to the weight of the head also its twisting movements, and are almost as liable to give rise to problems as are the five lumbar vertebrae.
The thoracic vertebrae in the middle of the these two cervical and lumbar regions are not subject to the same stresses and strains, and are of a different design to the others, with less resilient thinner discs. It is the discs that give rise to most of the problems, tending to rupture and cause what are known as herniated discs.
The discs are annular in form, with an outer fibrous sheath containing a spongy mass that acts as a shock absorber known as the nucleus pulposus. When the discs herniate, the pulposus is forced out of the fibrous sheath, and the disc not only loses its resilience but can also become inflamed. When the pulposus presses against the nerves of the spine it causes an incredible amount of pain.
The correct treatment for this would be reflate the disc, allowing it to draw in the water, oxygen and nutrients needed for healing. A similar condition, a bulging disc, is cause by the pulposus being forced against the side of the disc, causing it to bulge but not burst open. This bulge can also generate pressure against the spinal nerves and the same treatment can be applied.
Another problem is that the discs are also protected by two joints on each, known as the facet joints that allow you to bend your spine backwards and forwards. These are cartilage and synovial lined joints that can become distressed and inflamed if stressed through disc degeneration.
Until relatively recently, the treatment for back pain included muscle relaxants, manipulation, pain relief and even traction, with surgery as a last resort. Now, in Atlanta IDD therapy offers back pain relief without invasive techniques such as surgery involving spinal fusion. This can cause problems later, and another invasive technique is known as Intra-Discal Electrothermoplasty (IDET) that involves a heated wire being used to destroy the nerve fibers and restructure the annulus by promoting the formation of new protein. The success of this technique has been reported to be from 23% to 60% depending on the condition.
IDD Therapy, on the other hand, has a success rate of over 85%. The technique is carried out using the patented Spina System IDD® that decompresses specific areas of the spine. Basically, by creating a vacuum between vertebrae, the herniated disc is forced to expand like a bellows and draw in oxygen, water and nutrients that heal the defect causing the hernia. By means of 20 or more periods of treatment carried out over a 4 - 6 week period, the small amount of healing associated with each course gradually builds up until the rupture is permanently healed.
In addition to creating this vacuum inside the disc that forces it to draw in nutrients, the Spina System IDD® also massages the spinal muscles to relax any that have spasmed, and to prevent any muscle spasms taking place during the treatment. The therapy can also be backed up using pain relief where appropriate to ensure the comfort of the patient.
This is the type of result that traction was intended to produce, but the problem with traction was that it could not be applied to small areas of the spine, and was not therefore able to target the specific disc involved. IDD Therapy can be used cure individual bulging or herniated discs.
In Atlanta IDD Therapy can also be used to provide relief from pain due to back conditions such as sciatica, spinal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. It is not, however suitable for arthritic spines, osteoporosis, fractures or spondylylosis. It has, however, been cleared by the FDA for use to treat pain and disability due to pain in the lumbar and cervical regions of the spine.
In Atlanta, IDD Therapy is therefore not only effective in treating back pain due predominantly to ruptured or bulging spinal discs, but has also been checked and approved by the FDA. With a success rate of around 86%, it is highly recommended for those conditions where its use is indicated.